❌Masky x Reader❌

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

I have been a Creepypasta member for about 3 months. I wasn't really good at making friends. I never was. But as far as I know, the creepypasta members I'm most closest to are Toby, Jane, and Clockwork. The others I never really see or I don't know well. Anyways I was coming back from a walk but something caught my attention. It was a envelope with a red bow on it and my name on the front.

'This is for me?' I thought to myself, I opened the letter and read it.

'Dear (Y/N), You might not know me that well but you will know who I am soon. I know your secret, come to the room that has the name 'Masky' and your secret will be safe with me, I'll be waiting.'

I stared at the letter in fear. I went into the mansion but there was no one in the living room. I slowly walked up the stairs and looked for the door. Once I found it, I slowly entered the room and shut the door behind me. I looked around and saw Masky. He was laying on a bed while smoking a cigarette. He wore a black tank top, black jeans, his mask was off.

"Stop being a coward and come closer." Masky growled. I shivered and walked to the side of the bed.

"Why did you want me here?" I asked

"Don't ask questions." Masky growled. I shivered and tried to be brave. Just then Masky grabbed my wrist and threw me against the wall. I yelped in pain, Masky picked me up and pinned me to the wall with my hands above my head. I whimpered in pain and fear.

"I waited so long for this." Masky mumbled in a lustful tone. My eyes grew wide, I started to squirm and scream but Masky had crashed his lips into mine. The kiss was rough, tears fell from my eyes. Masky wanted more, he bit my bottom lip and it caused me to yip. Masky took the chance and shoved his tongue in my mouth, his tongue swirled around while exploring. This kiss lasted for a bit, I grew more frightened and tried to knee Masky in the crouch but he caught me. When I tried to move my knee, Masky let out a low husky groan. I was really scared, I rarely know Masky. He went down to my neck and started to bite it everywhere. I started whimpering and crying softly because he was biting hard but not hard enough to draw blood.

"M-Masky, S-Stop I- A-Ahhh!~" I was interrupted by him biting one part of my neck that me gasp with pleasure. Masky smirked against my neck and started to abuse that spot on my neck. I tried to get my hands free and stop him but he was too strong and wouldn't let me go.

"God...(Y/N)..." Masky moaned lowly in his lustful tone. He put one of his hands up my shirt and gently squeezed one of my breasts. I made a groan that sounded like I was tired and pleased. Without a warning, Masky ripped my shirt and (F/C) lace bra off and threw them behind him, he used one of his hands to squeeze one of breasts roughly and attached his mouth to another. I rolled my head back and squeezed my eyes shut while holding in the unwanted noise. Masky got impatient and unpinned my hands, he threw me over his shoulder and marched to his bed. I punched and kicked Masky while screaming for Slenderman, or Toby, or any creepypasta member to help me. Masky threw me onto the bed and covered my mouth with his hand and handcuffed my hands with his free hand. I cried and screamed but my screams were muffled under the hard weight of Masky's hand.

"Shhh angel cake...No one can help you because they aren't home but they will be back in two days." Masky kept his hand over my mouth while he started to take off my (F/C) (Jeans/ Leggings/ Shorts/ Skirt). I continued to cry and sob lightly.

"I'm going to take my hand off your mouth and your going to stop crying and screaming. Understand?" Masky growled. I nodded weakly with fear and stopped trying to scream. He took his hand off my mouth. He pulled off my (F/C) lace panties and threw them behind him.

"W-Why are you doing this? W-Why me?" I stuttered while tears fell out of my eyes. Masky looked at me and got off the bed.

"Because I don't want to share my bitch with those other horny assholes." Masky spoke in a jealous tone as he took off his clothes.

"W-What? What are you talking about! I don't belong to anyone especially not to you!" I shouted with anger.

"You don't understand (Y/N)...Every boy lesbian and bisexual females have a crush on you in this mansion except Candy Pop. They wanted to ask you to be their lover and I had to stop them."

"There is absolutely nothing special about me!"

"Are you kidding? Have you seen yourself? You shiny (H/C) hair, your beautiful (E/C) eyes, your (Body/Figure), your personality? Everything about you is the reason why everyone likes you." Masky listed while he crawled back on top of me. My heart...It felt like it was being fixed. I had always felt useless, hated, unwanted, unloved, and like a punching bag. My parents never showed me any support or love. Before I knew it I started to cry again. Not because I was scared, because finally for the first time in my life someone and a lot of people saw me as living being but I was too blind to see it.

"It's ok angel cake, I'm going to make you feel really good." Masky mumbled in my neck as he wiped my tears and spread my legs.

"W-Wait! I-I never done this before!" I nearly screamed with nervousness.

"So your a virgin? I'll be taking that." Masky smiled lustfully. He put his face to my lower region and started licking my folds. I groaned and moved my legs to try and close them but Masky put his hands on my thighs and kept the on the bed. He stuck his tongue in my woman hood and stuck his tongue in. I groaned a little louder, he was right. This did feel good. Masky was going fast and I started to feel a knot. I let out another groan as I felt the knot burst and liquid coming out. I looked at Masky while panting, he lick his lips crawled over me, he stuck his member towards my mouth.

"Suck." He commanded, His member had to be about 8 inches, I hesitated and obeyed. I opened my mouth and waited. Masky instantly put his member into my mouth and started to move in and out with one of his hands at the back of my head. He bobbed my head with his hand, which made deep throat him. Masky was moaning and I have to admit I was feeling really good. Masky had came into my mouth and looked down at me.

"Swallow." I did as he told me to do and swallowed, it was warm and salty. He uncuffed my hands and positioned himself at my entrance. I was nervous.

"Ready?" He asked with his tip at my entrance. I nodded slowly and waited. He slowly pushed in his member, I screamed at the pain but Masky put a hand over my mouth.

"If we start a family, you'll be such a great mother. Think about how handsome and beautiful our children would be." Masky whispered in my ear sweetly. He kissed my tears away and bit my neck gently as he waited patiently for me to adjust his size. After a minute or so, I rocked my hips a little. It wasn't painful anymore, it felt so pleasuring and amazing. I nodded to Masky to signal him he could start. Masky nodded and started to thrust in and out in a slow pace to make sure I wasn't in pain.

"M-Masky, A l-little faster." I groaned and arched my back. Masky obeyed and went in a faster pace. Now I was feeling like I was in heaven, I moaned and rolled my head back as I was enjoying these new actions.

"F-fuck... (Y/N)...Your so damn tight.~" Masky moaned.

"F-Faster p-please M-Masky~" I moaned while arching my back a little more.

"Louder." Masky growled and kept going at the same pace.

"F-Faster p-please Masky!"


"M-Masky! P-please!"

"Scream my name!"

"M-MASKY!~ S-STOP TEASING ME AND FUCK ME HARDER PLEASE!~ S-SHOW THE OTHER CREEPYPASTA MEMBERS I'M YOURS!~" I screamed and gripped the bedsheets hard. Masky chuckled and forced me onto my hands and knees. He slammed into me fast and hard. Our moans mixed together and filled the room. I could feel the bed shaking under our weight. I felt another knot in my stomach and it was ready to burst.

"M-Masky! I-"

"Cum for me baby!~" Masky moaned, I screamed as I felt my end. Masky groaned loudly as I felt him cum deep inside me. Masky pulled out and collapsed by me. We were both panting. He covered us both with his covers and lit another cigarette. He started to smoke. I stared at the ceiling trying to catch my breath. Now I was Masky's, no one but him could have me. I layed on his chest and slowly fell asleep.

*Masky's POV*

(Y/N) was all mine. I finally had her all to myself. I waited so long to claim her as mine. I rubbed (Y/N)'s head while finishing my last cigarette. Man won't the other creepypastas be pissed when they find I had beat them to (Y/N). I smiled to myself and hugged (Y/N) to my chest as fell asleep.

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