❌Clockwork x Reader❌

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*3rd person's POV*

(Y/N) is known to be the world's most wanted criminal, she's committed crimes such as murder, kidnapping, and robberies. However, the police don't even know what (Y/N)'s identity is or any information on her. Let's just say (Y/N) goes by the name 'Lady Nyx'. (Y/N) has (H/C) (H/L) hair, (E/C) eyes, and shiny (S/C) skin. She is mostly seen wearing two different outfits.

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*Clockwork's POV*

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*Clockwork's POV*

I woke in a bed, my hands were tied to the bed's headboard, my ankles were chained separately to different bed posts, and a bandana was tied around my head, preventing me from screaming and yelling. I looked around the room, it was dark. Where am I? All I remember was leaving the creepypasta mansion to get a break. I was in the forest when I heard a branch snapped. I didn't understand, I didn't see anything but after a few steps I smelt this strong smell which caused me to pass out. Now I'm tied to a bed. Did Zalgo do this? My knife is no where to be seen. Just then I heard the door open, a girl had came into the room and closed the door behind her. Just then I realized who she was! Lady Nyx!
I started to struggle and squirm but I couldn't get free! Shit! This is how I die! I'm going to have a slow tourtuing painful death. I felt hot tears swell up my eye. I have never been so scared. Lady Nyx stopped at the side of the bed and watched me struggle. She seemed to enjoy it since she just smiled and ignored my cries for help. She then pulled up a metal table with a scalpel, scissors, a mini switch blade, needle and thread, baseball bat, pliers, a electric collar, a whip,  a gag ball, and a...omg, a vibrator. My eyes widen, I looked at Lady Nyx with scared pleading eyes.

"Oh! No need to be scared my dear! This is just game one! Play fair in all three of my games! Or I will rip out your organs and strangle you them! Try not to scream or move or escape!" Lady Nyx giggled. She took the scalpel started making little cuts on the bottom of both of my feet. I screamed in pain but only for it to be muffled. Tears ran down my eyes as I tried to pull my feet. I'm Clockwork! This should be the other way around! I should be the one torturing people!

"Oh my! There is no more room on your feet! You made it to game two but you still lost game one!" Lady Nyx crackled as she slammed the scalpel onto the mini table. She took the switch blade and cut off my white tank top. I squirmed and tried to elbow Lady Nyx away but nothing worked. She went to my right breast a started carving the name '(Y/N)" in my chest. I screamed but it was muffled again. I tried to move but the famous female's grip was strong. When she finished, she smiled widely and licked my blood off the switch blade and my chest.

"Oh my poor dear! You lost game two! What a shame!" Lady Nyx spoke as one of her eyes twitched, her voice was bitter and cold but she tried to sound sweet. She took a key and freed my feet. I had tears running down my face faster.

"Time for game 3! If you lose, I'm going to kill you!" Lady Nyx giggled again, before she could get the next torture device as her choice, I kicked her into the table. She shouted in pain as I slipped my hands from the chains. I grunted in pain as I ran out of the room. It hurt so bad to be on my feet. Before I could get to the exit, I heard a awful scream. (Y/N) dropped from the ceiling and blocked the exit, she slammed the door shut and locked it. I fell back and landed on my back. She got close and she looked really mad.

"You! I asked you to play correctly! But you cheated! I HATE cheaters! Now...We are going to play one. Last. GAME! Hide and SEEK!" The angry girl screamed in my face. I was truly terrified. Then she started to count down from ten. I ran the opposite direction. She was at five! I looked at a opened window, I was in a abandoned hotel!? I saw I was eight stories in the building, I must be on the top floor, it was either a quick painless death or a slow painful death. (Y/N) was done counting, I could hear her running and giggling. I sat onto the windows ledge. I looked down and saw the long drop. I slowly let myself fall but I held onto the windows ledge. I looked down and started to panic. I don't want to die! I was scared and struggling to hold on.

"H-Help me! Please!" I whispered to myself. I looked up and saw (Y/N) staring at me with wide eyes and a wide smile. She roughly grabbed my neck and pulled me back into the hotel. She started to drag me. I tried to stop her from pulling me. She threw me on the bed and pinned me and straddled my lap. She held my hands tightly behind my back.

"You lost all of my games! Now it's time for your consequence!" (Y/N) laughed as she was about to grab the syringe. I cried softly as I waited for my death. Instead I was met with a pair of soft warm lips.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I kissed Clockwork, I started into her eye as I kissed her roughly. She looked shocked. I bit her bottom lip for entrance. But she denied, so I yanked her hair roughly which caused her to yelp. I took this opportunity to shove my tongue in her mouth. She tried to squirm but she decided not to try to escape. I pulled away and a strand of our saliva kept us connected.

"Why are you doing this? Why me?" She whined. I smiled.

"Because I'm madly in love with you! I killed everyone in the creepypasta mansion so no one can stop me from loving you!"

"W-What! E-Even Sally?" Clockwork spoke with tears.

"The little girl in the pink dress? No! She's in a different room! But you and me will be her new mothers!" Clockwork stared at me with sadness.

"If I can't have you, no one can!"

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