✔️Puppeteer x Reader✔️

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*Puppeteer's POV*

I slowly woke up. Wait, why am I tied to a chair? I started to squirm, the ropes were tight enough that I couldn't move. I looked in front of me. A girl, she was sitting at a desk in front of me. Her was down and rest on her arms. I could see a bloody knife in one of her hands. This girl was asleep. I started squirming some more. Wait, (Y/N)? Why was she so bloody? (Y/N) woke up and looked at me, she giggled and put the knife to my neck.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing? Is this because I can't get you pregnant?" Instead of answering (Y/N) started to stab me in the heart multiple times while giggling and laughing. I screamed out in agony. Then suddenly I woke up again to a voice calling my name.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I heard my fiance crying in our room. He said he was going to take a nap after we found out I wasn't pregnant again. We have been trying for a baby for a while now but the test is negative. The reason why is because of my birth control pills. I was scared of being a mom but I threw away my pills today. I went to our room and saw Puppeteer crying and breathing heavily in his sleep.

"Pup." I gently shook him. He wouldn't wake.

"Pups. Wake up love." Finally he woke up. Puppeteer calmed and realized it was just a dream. He hugged me tightly and sniffled. I hugged him back and rubbed the back of his head.

"It's okay babe. It was just a bad dream." Puppeteer kissed me and layed his head on my lap. I continued to rub his head. He slowly fell asleep and rested calmly. I smiled.

"Good night my love."

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