✔️Jane the killer x Female Reader✔️

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*Jane's POV*

I heard Slender found a new creepypasta member. A girl who killed her parents and her baby brother. But not through stabbing. Something brutal and violent. This girl had been emotionless her whole life and her parents hated her for it. I heard the girl had killed her baby brother by throwing him to the ground. Hard enough the baby died instantly. She felt nothing. No remorse or regret. Her parents woke up screaming. The parents had their hands tied to the ceiling and they stood on chairs. To make the explaining quicker, she killed them by torturing them and giving them the bloody eagle, She ate her baby brother's dead body, She grew a mouth with sharp fangs on the back of her head too. Violent and horrifying I know. She attacked Slender when he first discovered the girl. I'm not too happy about having a new creepypasta member. It's always so overwhelming. I heard my door open and it was Slender. With the girl. She looked emotionless, She had (S/C) skin, (H/L) (H/C) hair, and (E/C) eyes. She looked over at me but looked away quickly. I blushed under my mask.

"(Y/N) That is Jane, she is your roommate." Slender said. She nodded and followed me to my room.

"So this your room. Don't make a mess, get ready for bed." I said as I went to the bathroom and got ready for bed, after I was done, I got into my own bed and layed down. I closed my eyes and felt something, I opened my eyes and looked down. (Y/N) was snuggled against my side, her face in my back, and her arms around my waist.

"Hey. What do think your doing?" I asked but she didn't respond, I looked down at her but she was already asleep. I blushed and sighed as I held her and slowly fell asleep as well.

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