✔️!Cheater! Ticci Toby x Reader✔️

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Requested by: @lily_is_awesome

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I was walking to my boyfriend's room, we have been together since we were twelve years old, we were childhood best friends, we were unseparatable. I'm eighteen now and Toby is nineteen. We live in a two bedroom house. As I made it to mine and Toby's room, I heard moaning, I opened the door and I froze, Toby, having sex with a girl I never seen in my life. This brown haired girl had a a hand watch in her right eye socket, I scanned of her body. She was....skinny, big beautiful breasts, she is just...better than me...I looked over at the mirror next to the door ignoring the moans and begging. I was not beautiful...my boobs are a little small...I am a little...fat...I stared at my stomach, it was a little big, a shape of a perfect bouncy ball. I teared up and sniffled.

"Toby, Who is that girl!" The girl gasped.

"What girl babe? There is no-" Toby's lustful  smirk fell when he saw me. "Oh shit..."

"So this is what you do while I work my ass off all day in town?" I sniffled.

"(Y-Y/N) I-"

"Wait, who are you?" The girl asked me.

"Me? I'm Toby's girlfriend, we've been dating for six years." I hissed in anger.

"Girlfriend!? You said you were single!" The girl pushed Toby off her and got dressed. She walked by me and looked at me.

"I'm so sorry." She walked away. Silence filled the room as I heard the front door open and close.

"Why the fuck did you come home early!"

"Me? This is my house too, I got shorter hours. Why the fuck are you cheating on me!"

"None of your damn business!"

"It is my business! We have been dating for six years! What the fuck is this shit your doing!"

"You really wanna know? You never wanted to have sex for two months! You constantly eat, Your never home, and you gained a few pounds!" Toby shouted angerly as he got dressed. I felt my tears fall.

"Maybe because I have a reason for it." I mumbled as I threw down a gift box. Toby looked confused and picked up the gift box, he slowly opened it and took out the two items. A positive pregnancy test and ultrasound pictures. I watched his eyes get wide.

"I... I'm gonna be a dad?" Toby asked as tears fell.

"You were but not anymore." I spoke as I left the room.

"What? What do you mean!" Toby shouted after me as he followed me to the car. I just ignored him and drove off in my car. Toby was speeding after me, I just ignored and kept driving towards the abortion clinic. I parked in the parking lot and went into the clinic. Toby tried to open the clinic doors crying and screaming.

"(Y/N)! DON'T KILL OUR BABY! PLEASE! DON'T KILL OUR BABY! (Y/N)!" Toby screamed and shouted while crying and pounding on the door. I ignored his cries, I wasn't actually getting a abortion, I just want to scare him. I watched Toby sit on the curb, holding his head crying and ticking. I waited a few more minutes. I walked outside and went Toby. He was still crying. I sat by him. He looked at me.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cheat! I just thought you didn't love me anymore!" To y cried hard like a baby. I just kept looking at him with a gentle anger look.

"You really hurt me Toby."

"I'm sorry!" I sighed and put Toby's hand on my stomach. He looked at my stomach and sniffled.

"B-But I-I thought-"

"No I didn't, I'm too attached to our baby." Toby sniffled and hugged me tightly, I rolled my eyes and hugged him back.

"If you cheat on me again, I'll cut off your dick." Toby eyes got wide and continued to hug me tightly. I smiled and started thinking about our future.

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