✔️Liu x Reader✔️

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Requested by: @lily_is_awsome

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I've liked Liu for as long as I could remember, Jeff and I are best friends. Jeff loved me as a little sister, he was always overprotective of me even to this day he still is overprotective, he knows about my crush for Liu. It's embarrassing because Jeff always teased me about it. Jeff and I were sitting on a treehouse's porch with our legs dangling from the edge. I looked down at the dead teen that Jeff killed. The parents were dead inside. I never really cared about a human 's feelings, besides Jeff and Liu. I strongly respect them. This may sound weird but since I was a child, I could never feel emotion. I kill people to try to feel guilty, shame or regret but nothing ever worked. My life sounds so much like Ayano Asihi's backstory but it's true. But when I met Liu and Jeff, I slowly started to develop all sorts of feelings. Joy. Sadness. Anger. Jealousy. Fear. And even love. Even though I still kill to this day, I still can't feel guilty, ashamed, or regretful...but...only one person made me feel those three horrible feelings...my little sister, Lia. Killing makes me feel like I am powerful, like I can take advantage of anyone I please. I kill because I'm mad at the world, no one knew why I was born emotionless, my parents hated me because it. That's why my little sister was their favorite. I was always left out of everything my family did. I wasn't even part of the family pictures. I'll never forget the look on my sister's face when I held the knife to her neck. I started to cry out of guilt. She looked so scared. My last words to her were "I'm sorry" before I plunged the knife into her heart. I didn't even know Jeff was behind me when I struck my sister. I remember him hugging me as I cried on my sister's body. She was only sixteen and I was seventeen at the time. I ran away with Jeff to escape my crime. I loved my sister very much but I was jealous of her. I'm shocked she survived my attack. I wonder where she is now. I hope to God she is living a better life.

"You okay (Y/N)?" Jeff snapped me out of my thought. I stayed quiet. I didn't really want to talk.

"(Y/N)!" I looked down and saw Liu. I looked at Jeff, he gave me a little nod. I got up and climbed down the treehouse ladder and and went to Liu.

"I want to talk to you."

"About what?"

"(Y/N), Jeff told me you liked me."


"There is no need to be embarrassed because I like you (Y/N). I really do. You are who I want." I blushed and looked away. He grabbed face and kissed me roughly. I slowly melted into the kiss.

"Finally! About time! Now make me a uncle!" I heard Jeff laugh. I blushed harder and his my face in Liu's chest.

"Jeff! Shut up!" Liu shouted back. I chuckled from his chest. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me and Liu.

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