The Characters : Team Omega

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Team Omega consisted of four people. They all had different specialties really, which made them a force to be reckoned with.
Which happened quite often due to these certain specialities.
Rose is the champion fighter of Team Omega, and can easily beat any other. She's very intelligent, and also quite creative.
Alka is her second in command of the team. He remains to be the only truly level headed one, very intelligent, but prefers to sit back and remain sane. He doesn't really interact with those outside of Team Omega. He's logically and is really the only one with common sense.
Mardin is the one who enjoys the dirty work. He's already been pushed past the brink of no return, leaving him to be the one to act out most of Rose's plans.
Arson is Mardin's best friend. A slight (who am I kidding he is) pyromaniac, he enjoys helping Mardin with Rose's plans. A clever guy, but mostly helps to relieve stress.

Team Omega is the general cause of chaos, as of the fact that Omega highly encourages and rewards his followers when mayhem and death occurs. Plans generally start with Rose planning the prank, Alka telling her whether or not from a realistic point of view if it would work. Mardin and Arson would go act out the plan, and if problems occur Rose takes out the problem. However her sword usually is the answer.

When it comes to death, Omega isn't very forgiving. If one were to die there's a chance that he might revive them, however it is a very slim chance.

All followers wear masks, a safety switch installed by Omega. The followers don't really know what the mask means, however they do know that if they were to take it off something bad would occur.

Rose's : A red circle mask with large black buttons over where her eyes are. It covers everything except her mouth, giving her a doll like appearance. Her black curls frame her mask adding to the affect
Alka's : A white circle mask with two x's for eyes and a massive grin on it. This mask only covers his eyes, tilting slightly back on his head giving the effect of two grins. It's fairly unsettling, however that's purely the reason he chose it.
Mardin's : A zip up that covers his entire face. Black with different size circles for his eyes and a massive grin that covers half his face. A large silver zipper runs up his mask. This gives an even more unsettling effect than Alka's does.
Arson's : A full face mask split in two; one side completely black with a white circle for an eye. The other side is white with a black circle. However the white side has red speckles on it, though no one is quite sure whether or not it's blood. Knowing Arson it could be.

The basic belief of Omega is that if you want revenge you get it. You stand up for yourself at all costs. Your job is to create chaos and to create mayhem. It is your job to fulfill your duties, and you will be rewarded depending on your success.


Just a brief-ish description of Team Omega. In short they are essentially followers of the Devil or the 'Bad Guy' if you will.
Also the drawing at the top is something I had doodled as trying to figure out the characters. Anywho, have a good night/day!


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