The Beginning : Chapter Two

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Chapter Two : Humiliation of the Second

Rose stood in the middle of the arena grinning at her new sword.
"Sweeeeeeet!" She swung it a couple of times as a guy in a black and white mask jumped down and ran next to her.
"That's awesome! We should totally test it out!" With a grin Rose turned her face grin in the direction of Team Alpha, who were currently discussing something.
"Hmmm, you know what Arson that actually sounds like a-"
"Stupid idea." A guy said, hopping down from the seats and walking slowly over towards Rose. With a slow smile she looked over her shoulder at him.
"Alka we both know you're just jealous." He snorted.
"Oh yeah. Real jealous. And couldn't you have at least tried to fight Avel? I think you permanently damaged the poor guy's ego." The group turned to look over at Avel who was sulking at the edge of the other group. Rose shrugged.
"I wanted a good fight. It wasn't fair otherwise." Alka held still for a second before leaning forward and looking at her.
"I call a lie." Rose's smile thinned and she put her empty hand in her hip and took a step towards Alka.
"Oh really?"
"Yeah. And you know what I think?" Alka said taking a step towards her. She took a step forward.
"What do you think Alka? I'm just dying to hear this." He stepped forward and Arson smirked on the side lines getting ready for a good fight.
"I think that-"
"Fight was hilarious, but you should've toyed with him more." A voice cut in.
A guy in a bow tie and a zip up mask was sitting on top of the edge of the arena wall. Rose leaned back and the turned her attention towards him.
"Glad you found my fight amusing Mardin, I found your fight lacking a certain something." Mardin's head cocked to the side.
"You mean death?" A sick smile spread across her face.
"Yeah that would be it. You could've easily taken Alison." Mardin crossed his legs and shrugged.
"And you could've toyed with him more." Rose shook her head but just looked back up at Mardin.
"And just what would you have done?" Mardin shrugged and dropped to the dusty ground. He stood and brushed off his pants.
"Simple. Fake an injury, give fake hope, then crush it and watch the life drop out of them slowly. That or slowly injure them." The group was staring at Mardin in silence until Alka broke it.
"Jeez man, you really do belong here." The group laughed and started to walk away from the arena, however a thud sounded behind them and Rose turned to see Avel throw a dagger at her.
She dodged easily, however a second came instantly after and a thin line cut across her cheek as the knife narrowly missed her. Her mouth was open in surprise until it stretched into a grin. Avel snarled and threw another knife.
Rose yawned and caught the knife's blade inches from her face. Her mouth closed and split into a grin as she smirked at Avel.
"Thank you for the knife. Nice to have another prize to commemorate my victory." Avel growled and ran at her. Shooting a grin at Alka, Rose jumped, used her sword as a pivot, and turned just as Avel ran towards her and kicked him square in the back. He pushed off the ground with his hands and landed on his feet. He shot her a grin.
"That all you got?" He spat. She smiled at him and held up a finger. A red line appeared across his cheek in the same place as Rose's and Arson cracked up.
"Man she got you good!" He started laughing with Mardin as they exited the arena.
Rose shot Avel a grin as she started to exit the arena, tossing the knife up in the air and catching it; the silver blade glinting as the sunlight hit it. Alka bent down to help up Avel, but Avel sneered at Alka's outstretched hand.
"Why don't you go dog after Rose." Alka's semi smile soured into a snarl, and he turned sharply and followed after Rose.
Avel pushed himself up onto his elbows and scoffed. Two more thuds on the dusty ground and the pair walked over towards Avel.
"I don't need to hear this." The couple exchanged a look and the girl crouched next to Avel.
"Listen, you did a good job. You did better than I did." The boy rolled his eyes and Avel scoffed.
"Alison at least you knew flat out Mardin was playing with you. Rose wasn't even trying and she beat me without breaking a sweat." Alison looked up at the guy who sighed and crouched next to Alison.
"Listen Avel. They embarrassed you. You know what that calls for?" Avel looked over at him.
"Believe me Carter, I know." Grins spread across their faces.
"Justice." Another thud landed and a girl stood up, her straight black hair whipped around her in the wind and a dagger twirling around her fingers.
"You guys go plan, I have to talk to Carolyn." Alison said, standing up and striding towards Carolyn.
"Alison I don't think that this is a good idea. They're mistaking revenge for justice." Carolyn said, the dagger weaving in and out between her fingers. Alison shrugged with a small smile playing in her lips.
"If it helps him feel better then it's worth it. And it is justice Carolyn, you're the only one who sees otherwise." Carolyn gave her a hard look before sighing and turning her gaze towards the pair.
"If you say so Alison." A moment of silence passes between them before Carolyn speaks up again. "It's almost nighttime. We should probably head back." Alison looked over at Carolyn with a smile.
"You're always so excited for nightfall." Carolyn froze and shot Alison an uneasy smile.
"Yeah... anyway we really should be heading back." Alison laughed lightly before turning and cupping her hands around her mouth.
"HEY BOYS! LET'S HEAD HOME YEAH?" The pair turned and Carter jogged towards them with a big grin on his face. Avel on the hand was not quite as excited.
"What's up with him?" Carolyn asked. Carter grinned.
"Well he's stuck with us while we plan." Avel rolled his eyes.


I can't say how many times I had to rewrite this. It just kept saying error and at one point it deleted half of the chapter. Anyways I'm writing this on my iPod so if you see any silly mistakes then please let me know!

Have a good day/night!


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