The Beginning : Chapter Four

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Chapter Four : Prank of Omega

"GET OVER HERE!" Rose whisper yelled; hiding behind a bush and peering out of it tentatively. Alka ran next to her.
"What?" With a massive grin she pointed to the arena.
Avel was throwing daggers repeatedly at a dummy that had a red mask on.
"Hm. I always knew the dude hated me, but that's a bit extreme no?" She said, and Alka just kinda made a face.
"Rose, you have a picture of him on your dart board." She shrugged.
"So?" He shook his head and laughed silently before looking back at her.
"So, don't you think that's a bit hypocritical?" She shrugged again.
"Who cares? Anyway find Arson and Mardin," she said, her grin growing. "I've got a plan."

"Damn know-it-all." Avel muttered darkly, sending a knife into the button eye of the dummy. "because she's just so" thud "damn" this " perfect." Three new knives were sticking out of the dummy, one in its forehead, the other eye, and its heart. He walked over and reached to grab them. "Oh, I've just trained all my life, it's just that eas-" a knife thudded in between his fingers and he turned to see Rose sitting there on the arena wall smirking.
"It really is that easy." His eyes narrowed, and her smile grew. "And glad to know you think I'm perfect." A knife flew past but missed. He heard a noise behind him and turned to see the dummy gone. He whipped around but Rose was no where to be seen.
"You look confused there Avel." He turned to see Alka standing there with his hand outstretched. "Need help?" A thud sounded behind him and he turned from Alka to see nothing there. He looked over at Alka again only to see Mardin standing there twirling a bloody knife.
"Hello." He fell over something and landed on the dusty ground. A large amount of dust was kicked up in this occurrence, and when it all cleared Avel was sitting there with the dummy. Alison was walking past the arena and glanced over to see Avel sitting in the ground covered in sand and staring at the dummy.
"Are you okay?"

"Dear God I can't breathe." Arson said, bent over and breathing heavily. Having done all the switching, running back and forth, lifting people out of the arena, he was exhausted. However the plan went perfectly, as usual. Rose was on the grass rolling around laughing. Alka was watching with an amused smirk as Mardin started to reenact Avel's reactions.
"And he was all like 'what oh my god look at me I don't know how to fight ahhh' and I just pop up like BAM! SURPRISE. BETCHU DIDNT EXPECT THAT HUH!" Rose laughed harder and Alka chuckled until he looked over at Mardin; who was still holding the bloody knife.
"Wait whose blood is that?!" Rose smirked.
"Oh that's mine. You know from this morning?" Mardin nodded.
"It was pretty genius. Great job Rose!" She shrugged, but Arson trudged over to Mardin and smacked him.
"Hey a little thanks over here please? I'm the one that lifted your fat ass out of the damn arena." Rose went into another bout of laughter, and Mardin and just cocked his head at Arson and took a step towards him.
"Well thank you so much for everything my lord. However will I pay you for such a feat?!" Mardin placed a hand on his forehead. "OH THE TRAGEDY. YOU HAD TO LIFT MY FAT ASS OUT OF THE DAMN ARENA!" Rose started laughing even harder and clutched her sides as Alka chuckled.
"Depends, how many explosive items do you happen to have?" Mardin went still.
"I have as many as I do sanity."
"So none then?" Alka cut in, and everyone laughed.
"Umm, excuse me?" A voice cut in, and the four turned to see a tall guy with a smirk on his face. Dark curls framed his freckly face, and behind him stood a  shorter guy with big brown eyes and a red hood. "We hate to interrupt, however are you Team Omega?" Rose froze and her smile thinned. She stood and Alka stood behind her.
"We are. However there is a more pressing question for us, friend or foe?" The brown haired guy shrunk behind that taller one; who simply laughed and held up his hands.
"Friend. However if you really wanted I could be a foe." His smiling eyes quickly narrowed and hardened. "However I wouldn't recommend the latter." Rose chewed on her lip before stepping forward and sticking out her hand.
"I'm Rose, leader of Team Omega." She jutted a hand thumb behind her. "This here is Alka. Zip up back there is Mardin." Alka offered the guy a nod and Mardin simply laughed. "Black and white is Arson." Arson gave a little wave, and Rose looked expectantly at the pair. "What are your names?"
"Well, my name is Dec, and behind me is Ryley.  I'm the priest for the Gods."


It was really short I know. But I just wanted to end the chapter there. It seemed like a good place to stop. Next chapter will be up soon. Also for fans of Mianite, I was too lazy to come up with new names.

Oh well. Have a good day/night!!


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