The Beginning : Chapter Three

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Chapter Three : Difference Between Both

Night had fallen, and all the heroes were asleep.
Well they were supposed to be.
Alison and Carter seemed to be doing something together, Avel was sharpening a knife, Mardin was throwing darts at a board with deadly accuracy and Arson was lighting random pieces of paper on fire.
However two heroes were missing from their rooms and could be found at the arena.

"Wrong." Rose said, sounding bored as Carolyn lunged at her with a wooden sword. Rose put a hand on Carolyn's shoulder and gently pushed her, sending Carolyn crashing to the ground. She sighs before extending a hand out to her. With a half smile Carolyn took it and stood up, returning to her position. Rose walked around her. "Your footing is wrong. It's too open leaving you vulnerable." Carolyn frowned.
"What do you mean?" Rose sighed and turned her face up to the sky in thought before looking back over to Carolyn.
"Imagine a piece of paper. Now if it's folded in half in a position that of a triangle, it would be a bit more sturdy no?" Carolyn furrowed her eyebrows in thought, then glanced down at her feet.
"So what you're saying is that I'm a piece of paper and I need to fold...?" Rose sighed.
"Let me show you." Rose positioned herself like Carolyn with her feet in alignment. "Push me." Carolyn blinked but then gave Rose a shove. She tottered over and landed in the dusty ground. She grinned up at Carolyn before accepting her hand and standing up. After brushing off her legs she repositioned herself; this time her feet further apart and unaligned. "Now try." Carolyn gave her another shove, but this time Rose stood fast. She grinned over at Carolyn. "See?" Carolyn's smile grew and she instantly positioned herself the way Rose had.
"Let's go again." Rose grinned and picked up her wooden sword.
"Okay. Round one!"


"Good morning Carolyn!" Alison said cheerfully as Carolyn walked into the kitchen. In her hand was a book and she glanced up from it briefly to give Alison a smile before heading towards the library. "Don't you want breakfast?" Alison tried again. Carolyn sighed before shutting her book closed with a snap and turned.
"Not especially. How are you today Alison?" Alison smiled and set down a plate of eggs. Carolyn sighed and sat down where the eggs were located.
"I said I wasn't really hungry Ali-" She turned attention away from the plate and was met with a pair of glaring eyes. "I mean, jeez these look real good Alison. Good job." Alison's glare returned to her usual cheerful gaze.
"Enjoy them. So whatcha reading there?" Carolyn hesitated before setting down her fork.
"The Art of Sword Fighting. I was hoping I could pick up some moves to surprise Arson with next time." She sighed. "Or maybe I should look into some sort of fire resistant armor or something. He just keeps throwing fire bombs at me." Alison chuckled.
"Maybe you could just dump water on him." Alison added a laugh on at the end of her sentence, but Carolyn's eyebrows shot up.
"You know that's actually not that bad of an idea Alison! Thanks I'll see you later!" She turned away from the kitchen, grabbed her book and darted down the hallway towards the library.
"DON'T FORGET TO PRAY!" She shouted after her. She frowned and then added, "AND YOU LEFT YOUR DISHES HERE!" A laugh sounded from behind Alison and she found Carter there.
"Hello sweet heart." Carter said, planting a kiss on Alison's cheek before walking over and snatching a piece of bacon from the oven top. Alison smacked his hand but he just chuckled before chucking it in his mouth. He grabbed his jacket and shrugged it on and started to head down the hallway.
"Where are you going?" Alison asked. He stopped and threw her a grin.
"To pray, then collecting supplies. You stay in the kitchen (<---- 666 word.) sweet heart-"
A knife flew past him and landed right next to his head. He turned and looked at Alison.
"Don't sweet heart me." She said, holding another kitchen knife.
"I was just kidding! Love you sweet heart!" He said before darting down the hall. She sighed with a small smile on her face.
"You guys are disgusting."
Alison turned to see Avel leaning against a wall munching on a piece of bacon. Her eyes narrowed and he just smirked at her before grabbing his jacket and strode past her.
"Where are you going?" She asked him. He sighed and turned his head slightly.
"To go train." And strode down the hallway. A few seconds later she heard the door slam closed and she sighed quietly to herself.
"Alone yet again." She shoved the pans into the sink before grabbing her jacket and walked out into the sunlight of the balcony next to the kitchen door. "Such a lovely morning."


"I DARE YOU TO SAY THAT AGAIN!" Rose shouted at Mardin, who was currently picking his nails with a dagger, his bow tie undone around his neck. He sighed.
"I said, that you're going soft." She grabbed his shirt.
"What makes you believe that?" She snarled, and he sighed and cocked his head at her.
"Because you went easy on the little shit."
By the time that Alka had gotten down to the kitchen, Rose had pinned down Mardin with only a knife in her arm to prove a struggle, the bacon that was on the stove was smoking, and Arson was cheering them in.
By the time that five minutes had ended, Rose and Mardin were laughing about Avel's expression the day before when he found out Rose had gone easy on him, Arson and Alka were munching on bacon and joining in the laughter. They finished breakfasts together before clearing the dishes and decided that they would go exploring and set up another base.
Arson turned to Alka, grabbing his jacket and handing it over to him.
"You get the feeling that something's gonna happen today too right?" Alka's smile froze before thinning a bit and he sighed.
"I think we all do." He grabbed his jacket and walked out the door, Arson following close behind him.


So aren't mornings fun? The difference between the two are astounding.
Team omega is so close yet chaotic, but Team alpha is so peaceful, yet so distant from ones other.

Would you prefer peaceful Alpha or chaotic Omega?

Have a good day/night!


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