The Beginning : Chapter Five

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Chapter Five : Meet the Priest

A stunned silence swept across the group as they stared at the curly haired man. Rose's jaw clenched a bit and she walked around Dec.

"So you're the priest for Omega?" Dec smiled slightly at Rose.

"Indeed. As well as Alpha." Rose held still and seemed to be studying the pair before she signed and shrugged. Sending a nod in the direction of Alka, Rose returned her attention to the Priest. Alka ran off and Ryley's wide brown eyes trailed after Alka.

"Well then Mr. Priest and bitch, you'll be needing a place to stay then I presume. We'd be glad to be of service." Rose bowed ever so slightly. Arson chuckles slightly before turning away from the priest.

"Speak for yourself Rose. Some of us actually have things to do." Rose turned to look at him.

"Since when do you have things to do?" Arson groaned and rubbed his temples.

"Rose the hell did you think I do when not acting out your plans?" Rose froze and seemed to go into thought.

"I never gave if a thought. I suppose I thought you either froze where the you were or just lit things on fire to be honest." Arson seemed to stare at Rose for what seemed like eternity.

"You're joking right." Rose's mouth quirked up into a small smirk.

"Not at all. We all know I'm the center of the world, if I'm not there then it doesn't matter." Mardin chuckled lightly, and Rose turned back to Dec.

"Well then, sorry that we got distracted." She turned and looked at Arson, who shrugged and Mardin just shook his head slightly. She turned to face the Priest again. He smiled and Ryley just kinda chuckled.

"I fear it would take a bit to be able to create a house. We would need to get all of our resources together." Rose sent the Priest a smile.

"That's no problem. We have plenty of resources." She turned her face towards the sky and her smile fell a bit. "However I fear it will be night soon, so," she turned back to the pair. "How would you like to stay at Team Omega's base?" The priest turned back and looked at his assistant, who in turn gave him a nod. Turning back to Rose, he gave her a wide smile.

"We would love that. Thank you." Rose gave him a grin back before pulling out a communicator.

"Hey Alka, mind getting two beds ready? We have guests." Some crackling occurred before a response.

"Oh sure. Who are they?" A smile slowly spread across her face.

"You'll see." Rose clicked off her communicator and turned backwards. "Follow me if you please. I wouldn't suggest being around at nightfall." The priest's brows furrowed and Ryley looked around nervously.

"Erm, w-what happens a-a-at night?" Ryley stuttered, and Rose chuckled.

"We aren't supposed to know really, we aren't permitted to be out an about at night." A sly smirk snuck on to her lips. "Of course being us, we've been out and about at night." The priest chuckled lightly.

"So, care to enlighten us?" Rose's smirk turned into one of thought.

"Hmmmm, let's just say there's a reason that we practice fighting." She turned back towards the horizon; where the sun was dipping dangerously close to the horizon. "Let's go. Follow them." She turned to Mardin and Arson. "Lead them to the base, I'll be back momentarily." Arson nodded but Mardin grunted.

"Do we have to? I feel as though there's certain," he hesitated. "Places I could show them." Rose's jaw clenched.

"Mardin. I said take them to the bade, escort them to their room. That is all. Clear?" Her voice was dangerous and her eyes cold.

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