Chapter 38

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How do you feel?Bad. What would you like to do? Walk. Can you walk? No. Can you imagine?Sometimes. What do you imagine? I imagine whirlwinds that can't turn. Whirlwinds? Yes, whirlwinds locked in glass bottles stranded on the shore. Do you miss her? Yes. Do you see her?Sometimes. Does she talk to you? Yes. What does she say? To follow her dots. Do you do it? No. Why not? I told you, I can't walk. Did you try? No. Why didn't you? Trying is useless. Would you like to be able to do it? Do what? Would you like to follow her? I would like her to follow me. Are you going to try? And for what? What are you thinking about? The things over there. I wonder if they stopped with me or if they went on their way. What would you like to do? I'd like to get the VHS of my life and record over the things I want to forget. What things for example? The pain in my ear and the crying, and the cold I used to get. What would you replace it with? With something better. You know, a gig of "The Doors" or Tom Waits. Or "Rumble Fish." Yeah. "The Motorcycle Kid." That was a really good movie. How do you feel? Same as always. Alone?Lonely. Do you like it? I can't help it, I'm the lonely one, if I changed the other one would become the lonely one and I would become him. Would you like to be him? I'd like to be HIM. Do you dream? I always dream. What are your dreams about? Little doors without locks and doorknobs. Do you like your dreams? I never liked them. How do you feel now? Better than tomorrow and worse than yesterday.

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