Chapter 40

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What will happen if I never wake up? What will happen if I wake up and things as I know them cease to exist? If the water ran out and people would have to drink tears of sincerity. They would be LOST: because we are made of solid rock and only cry for television. Children, unfortunate, would be dead, because they are the only ones who can cry for real. In the world of music, children would be the vinyls: because they are raw, direct and sincere, they are full of imperfections and they show themselves as they are. Adults would be the digital files: pristine, sober and perfect but totally empty and superficial. Leave me here with my dirty sound. In that context, the owners of the world would force women to get pregnant, take their children away from them by force, hang them upside down in the branches of trees in the parks and collect their tears in glass bottles. What will happen if I never wake up? What will happen if I wake up after a long time and the people I used to know are no longer the same? My relatives would be gone and replaced by others I don't know, who would insist on hugging me and giving me their affection, which I would not be able to return in kind. And when I would tell them that they do not exist for me, they would lock me in a white room, a cube of death, and everything would start all over again: the endless waiting, the sweating walls, the ticking and the tocking, the clots, the machines of life, the evanescent love, the escape, the papier-mâché death. And as I escape and run on a paved street next to Travis Bickle and dodge all that cosmopolitan trash and filth, time would overtake me and De Niro would kill Travis and turn into Jake LaMota and punch me in the face and the blood would spurt out and turn the white that imprisons me into red and again to sit in the corner of the innermost silence of this place. There is nothing I can do to get over this, just wish the clock in this room would turn into a fan, because I am devastated and I already got to see the trailer for the movie of my life and the truth is it's pretty pathetic.

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