Chapter 32

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I finish up the last scoop of my Jell-O and thank Martha, my nurse for this afternoon, as she takes the tray away. The fact that I won't be able to get this cast off my leg for about a month escaped my mind after finding out that I get to see Aiden today.

The doctor had come In my room to check on me earlier, and I guess after nudging at him for about a week now on whether Aiden had awaken from his temporary coma, he had had enough and told me that yes, he was awake. I couldn't hold in my excitement that I had basically jumped out of bed, forgetting that I was in a cast and on an IV.

"Ms. McKinley?"

I look up to see Martha with her hands intertwined in front of her, the edges of her lips raised.

  "You can go see him now."

I squeal and she comes over to take me off the drips. I stumble off the bed and wobble a little. I grab the crutches laying against the wall and make my way towards the door.

  "It's room three-hundred, dear." Martha calls after me

I don't reply, feeling like I'm wasting time and just make my way down the hallway, eyeing every door until I come across his room. I don't waste any more time, I grab the door handle and push the door open. The first thing I notice is the tray of food by the bed and then my eye wanders to the body buried beneath blankets and pillows. I place the crutches against the wall and limp towards the bed, stopping when I'm beside it and placing my hand on the edge of the bed.

    I gently touch his soft cheek with the back of hand and just take in the moment.

"Hey, Tweety. "

His deep, groggy voice startles me. His eyes open, revealing the warm light brown colour.

"I would know your touch anywhere. Are you okay?"

I almost laugh at his question. "I should be asking you if you're okay. You're the one who was in a coma for days.You're the one who I allowed to get shot. Aiden, I'm so-"


"I mean, I didn't even give you a chance to explain-"


"If you never want to see or hear from me again, I under-"


I stop babbling and look up to see Aiden now standing in front of me, slightly bending and holding his stomach.

"Aiden, lay back down. What the fuck is wrong with you."

"You're what's fucking wrong with me, Rae. I'm going to say this properly now before any other shit happens like batman bursting through the window or something."

 I raise an eyebrow and he sighs deeply. I don't know if it's from thinking or the pain that he's enduring while standing up.

"Rae, I didn't know you that well when I asked to drop you at school that first day we actually talked. I didn't know you that well when I invited you to sit with me and my friends at lunch. Hell I didn't even know you that well when I left for England. But I think I pretty much know you now," He takes another deep breath. "My point is, Raven Lelee McKinley, is that I'm so fucking deep, so deep in love with you that It hurts. I would travel to China If someone kidnapped you and took you there. I would fucking go to the deepest depths of the ocean If someone took you to Atlantis or some shit like that. I love you like crazy that It hurts. I think about you every second, every minute, every hour and every day."

 Aiden moves closer to me and straightens himself up, making his height known. Our faces mere inches from each other, I can see the slight freckles on his nose and his eyes dig themselves into mine.

"Rae Lelee McKinley. Will you please do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend? And I promise, not one fucking person will ever take you away again."

"Aiden Jordan Mathews..."

 I bite my lip and grab his collar in both my fists. "What took you so fucking long to ask?"

"Well, I was kind of doing some FBI shit and saving our asses from being killed." He smirks and he places his soft lips on mine.

The way our lips moved in sync made my insides feel like mush. My stomach had gorillas and frankly, I didn't know if they'd go away even after this kiss. Somehow we ended up on the lousy hospital bed, him on top of me and his hands on my waist. He started kissing my neck when the door opened.

"Ms. McKinley, It's time for you to-"I quickly push Aiden off of me, forgetting that he had a back injury.

"Oh, shit! Rae!"

I cup my mouth. "Sorry! Sorry!"

"Oh, goodness. I apologize!" Martha is a deep red as she looks at the ceiling with a slight smile on her face. I didn't know if I was apologizing to Martha for what she had seen, or to Aiden for hurting him, but I know damn well I wasn't apologizing for what had just occurred.

With Martha bowing her head she whispers. "Ms. McKinley, you must go back to your room now. Someone is there waiting for you."

"Okay, Martha. Thanks." I quickly say. She dashes out of the room without another word and I raise my head to see Aiden looking at me. I stare back at him until we end up in a roll of laughter.

"Oh, you should've seen your face!" He teases.

 I roll my eyes and get off the bed.

"Whatever. It's your fault!"

"But you liked it." He teases.

 I almost melt at the sexiness coming from his throat. I flick him off, making another fit of laughter come. I grab my crutches and leave for my room but before I could fully exit I hear him say: "I love you, Tweety."

I smile and turn around to poke my head back inside the room.

"I know." I stick my tongue out at him.

"You had to ruin the moment?"

"You know it, Hunch Back."

 I leave after that for my room. I see my door slightly open, only to see two officers sitting down in the two guest chairs. They both immediately get up when they notice me, and the officer with the bushy hair motions for me to take a seat.

"Hello, Ms. McKinley, I assume?"

 I nod.

"This Is officer Nickels, and I'm Officer Miles, but you can call me Alex."

"And you can call me James, we've got a few questions if you don't mind

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