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"Goddamnit Potter, slow your roll!" Cedric screamed at the raven-haired boy.

Harry was stalking away from the Hufflepuff because Harry had realized a secret of Cedric's, that he thought was fake; Cedric was a cheater. Not in relationships, but definitely in games.

"No, you're a bloody cheater, and not even a good one at that," Harry screamed back at the brunette, in which he finally came to a halt and faced him.

"Potter, don't you go accusing me of what you don't know, you have no idea how hard I had to work to win that stupid game!" Cedric yelled back at him, now towering over the almost-frightened fourth year.

"But how would I know that a well-known cheater like yourself didn't cheat in that game?!" Harry questioned right back, trying not to show he was intimidated or scared.

"Because, I don't have any evidence that points to me even attempting or planning on cheating! And that's that!" Cedric spat in Harry's face, the scarred boy on the verge of tears, but trying not to show it.

"Ok, fine, you win, now will you please get out of my face!" Harry yelled, a tear trying to push its way out of his eye.

Cedric backed away from him, and stood there, scoffing. The boy who lived turned around to face the other direction, so that he could let tears out without Cedric noticing.

"Look, Potter, it's not that I didn't want to cheat, it's that I didn't alright, and I swear on it. Look at me, and I'll show you I'm not kidding," Cedric stated as he rested his hand on Harry's shoulder and gently twisted him around.

Harry just sat there, tears streaming down his face uncontrollably, and the sleeves of his robes damp.

"Oh my goodness, are you alright? What in bloody hell made you start crying?" Cedric whispered as he bent down to swipe tears off his face, trying to comfort the crying Gryffindor.

"I-I... don't like it when people y-yell-" Harry was cut off by Cedric embracing him and letting him let it out on his robes.

Harry cried as hard as he could, letting all of the sadness escape from those eyes of his.

"Are you ok now?" Cedric asked comfortingly as the chosen one lifted his face from the Hufflepuff robes, his face a bright red.

"Yeah, I think so," Harry answered, rubbing his eyes.

Cedric bent down and pecked his forehead, catching the fourth year by surprise.

"B-But... what about Cho?" Harry asked as he looked up at the Hufflepuff, puzzled.

"Cho and I haven't been together in weeks," Cedric claimed, then bent down to kiss the raven-haired boy on the lips.

Harry immediately kissed back, with so much force and passion, it felt as though he's waited for this moment for a long time.

They stopped when the time felt right, and Cedric ruffled the boy's hair. Harry untangled himself from Cedric's embrace, and Cedric touched the tip of Harry's nose ever so lightly.

"See you later, my beautiful boyfriend," Cedric whispered as he pecked the cheek of the chosen one and walked back to the castle; it was about time for curfew.

Harry held his hand up to his cheek for a little while, then snapped back to reality, and ran back towards the castle with a smile plastered on his face.

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