Lilcissa (Narlily)

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"Ugh, what's a mudblood doing here?" Narcissa said when Lily walked into Slughorn's party.

"Oh Ms. Black, be nice!" Slughorn said as he gave Lily a welcoming smile.

"I-it's alright professor! Really!" Lily said as she winked at Narcissa that went unnoticed by everyone else.

"Alright...?" Slughorn said confused.

"Who is your date Evans?" Remus asked.

"Oh um- I-I didn't bring anyone," she said rather quickly.

"Oh ok," Remus said as Sirius pulled him over to the sweets.

Lily quietly got herself a drink and a Slytherin tripped her and she spilt the drink on them.

"Hey! Watch where you spill your drink mudblood!" they said as they spilt their drink on her head.

A few moments later, Narcissa slipped Lily into the lavatory unnoticeably.

"You ok?" Narcissa asked as she cleaned Lily up.

"I'm fine 'Cissa, thanks," Lily said giving her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.

"I am going to murder Rosier!" Narcissa whisper-shouted.

"I'll love watching that happen, but let's get back in there before they suspect anything," Lily said.

"Yeah, that's a good idea, but count down from fifty when I leave, ok?" Narcissa said as Lily nodded.

Thanks so much for over 600 reads! I'm going to celebrate by answering your guys's questions (if they aren't too personal). Sorry it wasn't as long as a normal chapter! I promise after I answer the questions I'll make a longer one!

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