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"You see her? She was the one with the weird gold thing in her hair for the Yule Ball two years ago. Ooh! Over there! The Slytherin with the dark blonde hair! He cheated on a Hufflepuff girl with her brother!" Lavender gossiped to Parvarti.

"Oh. My. Gosh!" Parvarti squealed.

"Did you hear about the falling of Ron and Hermione? Turns out, Hermione cheated on him with Parkinson and he cheated on her with Zabini! They ended it on mutual terms and are still best friends," Lavender kept gossiping.

"Wow! I cannot believe they are dating... Slytherins!" Parvarti said as Lavender nodded.

"But now, all the girls are fangirling over Malfoy, Neville, and Harry all dating!" Lavender squealed.

"Shut. UP!" Parvarti fangirled.

"I know, right?!" Lavender squealed.

Parvarti knocked her quill onto the floor and the two girls reached for it. Their hands brushed each others making them blush as red as a tomato.

"S-sorry..." they said in unison.

They both reached for the quill again and they brushed their hands again.

"Sorry!" they said in unison again.

"I-I'll just pick it up..." Parvarti said as she snatched the quill and placed it back on the table.

From behind them, Ginny sighed, put down her book, stood up, and said, "Just date already! You two clearly like each other! You gossip, braid each others hair, and do all sorts of stuff that normal besties wouldn't; like changing in front of one another, blushing whenever one bends over, embracing yourself in the scent of one another's sweaters and jackets, I could go on! Everyone is on the edge of their seat waiting for your guys's first move!"

They looked at Ginny, then to one another, then looked to the other's lips. They intertwined fingers and slowly came in for a kiss. They heard a snap of a camera and looked at Collin.

"Yes Collin!" Ginny shouted as she ran off to tell the others.

Y'know, sometimes I lie awake at night, thinking, Am I pansexual? Or am I demisexual? 

Then I remember how cute that one non-binary celeb was and I'm like, Nope, definitely pansexual!

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