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This is and alternate universe where everything is the same except Harry's a cute smol bean

"Hey, what does your badge say?" Harry said kindly.

"POTTER STINKS!" the whole corridor shouted and broke into hysterical laughter.

"Oh..." Harry said as he shed a silent tear and walked away.

It was bad enough the most harmless Gryffindor was chosen to be the fourth Triwizard champion when he never wanted any part in it, but the other Hogwarts champion made these badges unknowing Harry's fluffy personality. Everyone else just thinks he did this on purpose to get more attention, even his best friend.

"Cedric?" Harry asked the Hufflepuff.

"Yes Potter?" Cedric asked, smirking at the boy.

"W-why did you make those m-mean badges? I didn't even want any p-part of this tournament, but no one wants to listen to a word I say. D-did I do something to make you jealous or angry? I'm so so sorry if I did! Please forgive me for whatever I did!" Harry said, crying his eyes out.

As soon as Harry started speaking, Cedric knew he messed up.

"You didn't do anything wrong, it's just... well, we are rivals and I didn't know what I was thinking," Cedric explained.

"Oh, good. I don't like people being jealous of me. It makes me wanna just... not exist, and it reminds me of all the things I've gone through," Harry said.

Cedric never thought about his side of the story. To Harry, life was an obstacle course that just throws random things at him, and it was mostly either someone else's death or him nearly dying. He immediately felt bad for him.

"I'm-" Cedric said before he was cut off by a Slytherin pushing Harry into him.

"Oops, sorry! I thought he was trash and you were a trash bin!" the Slytherin laughed.

"Oh it's ok! People make the mistake of me being garbage all the time! No problem!" Harry said getting up and rubbing his scraped knee.

Harry didn't notice his sleeves rolled up and everyone was staring at the old and fresh cuts on his arms.

"Y-you cut?!" a Ravenclaw said as Harry held a confused expression.

"Cut what? My hair? I didn't cut my hair. Those white roses last night? No, I kept them there to grow." Harry said.

"Potter, your arms..." Cedric said.

"Oh! Yes, doesn't everyone?" Harry said as Cedric pulled him in for a hug.

"No! Who put that thought in your head?!" Cedric yelled.

"Um, I don't think Uncle Vernon's a liar. He tells me that every little boy and little girl cut every night until their inside pain goes away!" Harry said.

"That's not true at all!" Cedric screamed.

Without thinking, Cedric bent down and kissed Harry's forehead.

"Hey, um, can you do that again? I like how my heart and stomach feel when you do that," Harry asked as Cedric giggled and nodded.

Was it ok? I know it isn't exactly what you wished for...

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