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"Hey Ron!" Harry shouted.

"Hey mate, what you up to?" Ron said as Harry rushed over.

"Nothing much, but I've gotta question," Harry said.

"Shoot!" Ron said enthusiastically.

"Now, I would like you to all know my best friend Ron Weasley!" Harry shouted as the all the attention in that corridor went to them.

"What are you doing?!" Ron whisper shouted.

"Yes! I know who he is! He is the nicest and goofiest guy ever!" Hermione shouted, clearly in on this.

"Well, I was going to ask him a very important question!" Harry said as gossip started filling the corridor.

"Well, tell us what it is Harry!" Ginny shouted, clearly in on it, too.

"Are you guys sure?!" Harry yelled.

The whole corridor chanted, "YES!"

"Fine!" Harry said as he turned to a confused Ron, "Ron Bilius Weasley, would you go to the Yule Ball with me?!" 

Ron turned completely red and screamed, "YES!"

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