chap 5 - sleepover

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Meredith's POV:
Driving to Arizona house to get her clothes she couldn't stop talking about how excited she was. She's just filled with excitement. I just rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Right here!" She said pointing to the house on the right. I pulled into the drive way. She was getting out the car until she noticed I wasn't, "aren't you coming in?"

"No I'll just wait out here there's really not a point of me coming in," I say.

"Nonsense. Come on," she said waving her hand for me to come with her. I huffed and got out the car and she lead the way inside her house.

"Mom! I'm home!" She said yelled.

"Hey sis," a boy came from out of the living room. Guessing it's her brother.

"Where is mom?" She asked.

"She's at work," He said then looking over to me licking his lips.

"Back off!" Arizona yelled at him.

"Ohh..I see. This is another one of your girlfriends," he said. My eyes went wide.

"No she's just my friend," Arizona said as she rolled her eyes at her brother, "come on Mer let's go up to my room," she said pulling my arm up the stairs.

After getting Arizona's clothes we got to my house and pulled into the drive way and my sister was just coming home from being with her friends I guess.

"Who is that?" My sister asked as me and Arizona got out the car.

"My friend Arizona.." I said as we all walked to the front door.

"I didn't know you had other friends other then Alex," she said.

"Shut up!" I rolled my eyes.

We got to my room and Arizona made her self comfortable in my bing bag chair beside my bed. "Sorry, my sister is annoying," I apologize.

"It's ok. My brother is annoying also so I'm used to it," she smiled. She always keeps a smile on her face.

I sat down on my bed and looked at her.

"So where is your mom?" She asked.

"She's a doctor. So she's is gone most of the time," I say.

"well. At least your mom isn't a teacher at your school," she laughed.

"Wait.. your mom is a teacher at our school?" I asked.

"Yeah. Altman,"

"Wow...I didn't know," I chucked. "Where was she today? I didn't see her at school,"

"She had a doctors appointment," she smiled.

After talking to Arizona we wanted to watch a movie. We went down stairs and found a movie and pushed paused and went to the kitchen to start up some popcorn.

"Sooo.. are u and Alex like dating?" Arizona asked.

We were both leaning on the counter waiting on the popcorn. I laughed and said, "definitely not. He is my best friend,"

"Oh.. well do you like anyone?"  She asked.

"I mean. I have a crush on someone. But doesn't really count their like wayyy older than me and when I say older I mean older," I say then the microwave beeps.

I took out the popcorn and poured into the bowl.

"So you like anything on your popcorn?" I asked.

"Mm no," she says.


We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch right beside each other. I reached for the throw blanket and spread on top of us and placed the pop corn on top of it before I pushed play on the movie. We were watching "the conjuring 3"

Few mins in the movie we sat the popcorn on the table because neither of us were eating it and the scary nun popped up and scared both of us.

"Oh shit!" Arizona said as she hid her head on my shoulder. I jumped as well but also laughed at how much that just scared her. "I don't really like scary movies," she said looking back at the screen.

"Then why did you agree on watching this then?" I laughed playfully.

"Because Lorraine warren is fine,"

"True that," I said. "Wanna watch something less scarier?"

"Yes please,"

After finding something we both wanted to watch "A bad mom's Christmas," even tho we both watched it like 50 times it's still funny every time.

Half way through the movie Arizona's hand found it's way to my thigh. I sorta liked it but didn't know what she was doing.

"Arizona.." I said slowly facing her. She turned her head and face me and mumbled.


I didn't know what to say. She started leaning in more and I did to. Before our lips could touch I heard my sister coming down the stairs.

"Meredith!" She yelled. I huffed and made space in between me and Arizona so it wouldn't look like anything was going on.

"What Lexie!?" I asked. She walked up to us and sat on the other couch.

"Could you take me to the store?"

"No," I simply said.


"Cause it's 10 at night," I said.

"Ugh," she said as she rolled her eyes and stomped back upstairs to her room.

"I told you. So annoying," I said turning to Arizona.

"Yeah.." she said putting her head down.

"Well. We should head up stairs to take our showers then get to bed. It's kind of late," I said.

It's now 10:30 at night. I just got out of the shower now Arizona's getting in.

After it's now 10:55 and Arizona is now out of the shower.

We both calmed into bed. I cut my LED lights on red and turned them all the way down like I do every night before I go to sleep.

"Little spoon or big spoon?" She asked.

"What?" I laughed.

"Little spoon or big spoon?" She repeated.

"I don't know what that is.." I said.

"Ok you can be little spoon then. Turn around," she said.

I didn't know what was going on I just did as she asked. She scooted up behind me and 'spooned' me and then wrapped her arm around me.

"Goodnight Mer," she said.


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