chap 4 - Arizona

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After third period, I meet Alex in the hallway and we walked to lunch together. The school and the cafeteria were separate from each other so we had to walk out the building to get to the cafeteria.

While we were walking in the crowd I spotted the principal. Oh god she was so hot. She had her hair up in a pony tail with a blue pencil skirt and a bright colorful blouse tucked in it and the red lip stick. Wow. She's just so hot.

"Did you hear what I asked?" Alex said snapping me out of my gaze.

"Oh. Sorry what?"

"I asked what are you getting for lunch today,"

After me and Alex got our lunch we sat down at a table in the middle of the lunch room. I staring at the principal barely even touched my pizza. As my eyes follow her someone stands in way and sits down right in front of me.

"Hi! I'm Arizona," she said.

"Mhmm.. hi?" I said. She just sat down by us like a person would every day but we've never seen her before.

"Go find your own table," Alex said then sucking some of his apple juice out of his juice box.

"Alex! Don't be rude," I said and he shrugged his shoulders. "Nice to meet you Arizona. I'm Meredith," she smiled. She has the prettiest smile ever.

"I take first period with you," she said to Alex.

"I've never seen you in there," he said.

"Well I sit at the back," she says.

As we make conversation with Arizona my eyes keep wondering around trying to find the principal.

"Meredith do you want to have a sleep over?" Arizona asked causing me to look directly in her eyes.

"A sleep over?" I chuckled. I haven't had a sleep over since middle school.

"Yeah! It'll be fun,"

" I-," I started but got cut off by a coach blowing his whistle to get everyone's attention to the front of the cafeteria where he and Ms. Montgomery were standing.

After lunch we went to advisory and I sat by Alex like always and Arizona came and sat right in front of us. She gave us the biggest smile.

"Well isn't she just a ray of sunshine," Alex whisper in my ear.

Finally at the end of the day I was in my last period class and of course Arizona was in there. I didn't realize how many classes we had together. She kept going on and on about the sleep over that I never agreed to.

"Are you ready?" She said as I packed up.

"For?" I asked.

"The sleep over," I said.

"Sure I am," I smiled.

"Alright let's go!"

"Go where?" I chuckled.

"To your house. For the sleep over silly,"

"Um Arizona.. it's a school night," I assured.

"So?" She said as I put my back pack on. "Let's go!" She tangled both of our arms together and we left as the bell rang.

"Have a good after noon girls!" We heard as we walked out of the building.

"You to Ms. Montgomery!" Arizona said while I smiled. Ugh I love that woman.

A principal's obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now