chap 13 - school night

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A/N: kinda of smut idk but anyways sorry for not updating I'll try to up date more often than I've been doing.

Meredith's POV:
"What would you like to eat?" Ms. Montgomery asked as I come out the bathroom from taking a shower.

"Um it doesn't matter Ms," I say.

"Honey haven't I told you already you can call me Addison as long as we're not at school," she assured me.

"Ok.. Addison," I say . She smiled and grabbed her phone and said.

"How about I order us some pizza? Huh?" I nodded my head in agreement.

"What do you like on your pizza Meredith?" She asked.

"Um pepperoni," I say.

"Pepperoni it is," she says before getting on the phone with the pizza place.

Soon the pizza arrived and we sat at the table making small talk about school and just about life. Some stuff I didn't know how to respond to so I just nodded my head and gave her a small smile.

"What's that on your wrist?" Addison questioned noticing the other bruise my mother gave me.

"Oh. Uh my mother gave that to me when I was trying to leave," I say looking down.

"I'm sorry Meredith,"  she apologize. "Does it hurt? We could put some ice on it," She says.

"No no. It's fine. Really," I say.

After we finished eating pizza we both agreed on watching a movie before heading off to bed.

"What you want to watch?" She asked.

"It doesn't matter," I responded.

She choose a random movie and sat the remote down on the coffee table and grabbed a throw blanket that was rested on the love sit by the bigger couch I was sitting on. She sat beside me and spreaded the Blanket on both of us.

During the movie I looked at my phone and got multiple text from Lexie (which ignored) and texts from Arizona which I ignored to. In that moment I was in a place I never thought I'd be in. I felt a little nervous at first but now I just feel safe. It feels right being with her. I mean I had a crush on her for the longest time.

Not even half way through the movie I was getting pretty tired. I laid my head on her shoulder and she responded by laying her head on top of mine and placed her hand on my thigh. I jumped a little but not enough for her to notice, but then I settled in her touch and fell right asleep.

"Meredith," I hear but I kept my eyes closed not wanting to move. "Meredith," I hear again as I was being shaking on my leg.

"Hm?" I groan opening my eyes slowly.

"Movies over, time for bed," Addison tells me.

"I missed it?" I say sitting up closing my eyes not wanting to move.

"Yeah. You missed the whole thing," Addison chuckled . "Come on. Let's get you to bed,"

We walked up the stairs and she helped me into bed and tucked the covers over me.

"Goodnight," she says. Just as she was about to walk away I grabbed her hand making her turn around. 

"Don't leave," I say. I didn't want her to leave. I want to be around her 24/7 even tho I know she was just down the hall I still wanted to be closer to her.

"Mer, baby. I'm just down the hall," she says softly.

"Please?" I say. She lets out a playful sigh and comes around laying on the other side of me. I turn over to face and snuggle into her side and put my arm around her flat belly.

I looked up at her and she was staring right at me. I than lean up going for a kiss and she leans down meeting me. Our lips meet and we kissed passionately. I raised up more kissing her more roughly cupping the side of her face and she does the same thing. I'm now on top of her with my knees on either side of her legs sitting on her lap. We're still kissing while her hands traveled down to my ass pushing me back and forth against her. She pulls away from the kiss and starts to kiss down my neck as I'm gasping for air and letting small moans out.  She stops her hands that were pushing my ass back and forth on her and stops kissing my neck and says,

"I think we should get some sleep," she breaths. I sigh and claimed off of her and crawled back over to my side with my back facing her. Why couldn't we just do it? Nothing's stopping us.

2 days later..

Still Meredith's POV:

"Alright.. time to get up," Addison says as she kisses my forehead.

"You go, I'll drive myself," I say as I put my head in the pillows. Today is the day Addison gets me to go back to school. I missed the last todays because I just didn't feel like going. But todays she forcing me to go. She said she's going to drive me so that means I have to wake up earlier what I've normally have to since she's the principal and all and has to be there before everyone else.

"Alright, but you better not be late Meredith and you better show," she says sternly before leaving and closing the door to my room.

I hear Addison leave and not even 5 minutes later I hear the door bell ringing. Wow who could this be. I get myself out of bed and go to answer the door. Who could be here this god damn early?

"Yes?" I say opening the door to a man I've never seen in my life.

"Hi! I'm looking for my wife. I'm Derek," he smiles.

"Sorry sir you have the wrong house," I say.

"No. Pretty sure this is the right. I'm looking for Addison Montgomery," Derek said.

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