chap 14 - Derek

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Meredith's POV:
"Your her husband?" I asked the man that was standing right in front of me making sure I heard him right.

"Yes. I am," he smiled.

"Um she's at work do you want to come in?" I said as I forced a smile.

"Oh no. It's fine. Tell her that I came by and I'll be back later," he says. I nodded my head and he starts walking back to the car as I closed the door slowly.

Addison's POV:
"Hey Meredith," I say I see her walking in the hall. She doesn't say anything she just walks right pass me like I didn't even speak to her. Maybe she didn't hear me? No that's not possible I'm sure she's just ignoring me. I don't know why. Glad she made it to school tho. "Meredith!" I say running up to her.

"What?" She says with annoyance in her voice as she rolls her eyes.

"First of all don't be rude and secondly I'm glad you decided to come today,"

"Whatever," she says folding her arms. "Did you need something?"

"Did I do something?" I asked and she chuckled sarcastically.

"Mhmm.. for starters you didn't tell me you had a husband," she says.

"What? Maybe because I don't," I say. I literally have no idea what she's talking about.

"Whatever. I'll see you around," she says before walking off.

Meredith's POV:
"Meredith where have you been!? I've texted you and you haven't been texting me back," Arizona says as I walk into the class room and sit by her and Alex.

"Yeah. Mer not cool," Alex adds.

"I've been busy," I say.

"Well I'm your girlfriend you have to tell me things," Arizona says. That causes Alex to laugh.

"Ha! I knew something was up with you to," Alex laughed.

"I didn't know we had a label," I say under my breath.

"I went by your house and Lexie say you've moved out. Where have you been seriously mer," Alex said.

"That doesn't matter," I say right as the bell rang for class to start.

After class I was walking to my next period until Ms. Montgomery stoped me.

"Where you going?" She asked.

"Umm to class.. where else would I be going?" I say.

"Can I talk to you? In my office,"

"No I-,"

"Please Meredith,"

"I have a test to get to," I say walking passed her.

Addison's POV:
"Meredith! Are you home!?" I asked as I walked into the house. "Hey?" I say confused as I see her carrying a bag and some of her things in her hand.

"I'm just leaving," she says.

"Where are you going? Are you coming back?" I asked.

"Nope. I'll leave you here to be happy with your husband," she said as she faked a smile. She starts to walk to the door but I stood in front of her to block her from leaving, "move Addison," she says rolling her eyes.

"No. Not until you tell me what's this about and what husband? I'm not married Meredith," I say.

"Well that's not what Derek has to say," she says.

"Derek!?" I say not believing my ears.

"Mhm.. I think that's what I just said,"

"Where did you hear that name?" I asked.

"He came by Addison," she said, "now if you would excuse me I'm going to get going now," she says trying to walk pass me again but I wasn't having it I step right back in front of her and she huffed and rolled her eyes.

"He's not my husband Meredith," I laughed. "Did he tell you that?"


"That mother-," I huffed and stopped my self when the door bell rang, "he's my ex husband," I corrected before turning around and opening the door.

"Addison! Hi!" Derek said as I opened the door.

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