Chap 17 - trapped

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A/N: next few chapters are going to be rated very mature so just a warning for that.
Addison's POV:
I left Meredith home alone for a meeting that was mandatory for all principals and teachers to go to this weekend. I got the email on short notice, but didn't think anything about it.

Once I pulled up to the school park lot that the email said the meeting was going to be held at I didn't see anyone other than my car here and some other random car I've never saw before.

I walked into the dark building, walking down the halls. I suddenly feel someone watching me from behind so I turn around but there is no one there so I keep walking.

Once I've reached the conference room, their was no one there. I look for my phone in my purse to re read the email just in case I read it wrong but it's not there.

I hear another noise coming from outside the conference room that I'm in so I go and check it out.


I see no one.

Walking down the hallway I hear my name being called by the one person I hate.

"Addison..." he says slowly. I stop in my tracks and turn around.

"Derek." I sigh. "This was your doing wasn't it?" I asked as realization hits me. No one is here and the email is not the same email I get any other time. oh god. How could I be so stupid.

"Did you really think it was that easy Addison?" He says walking up to me in a fast but slow pace as I start walking backwards.

"Derek. Whatever you want I'll give it to you. Just tell me." I say trying to reason with the psychopath.

"Oh it's simple Addison." He says still walking up to me slowly and I'm bagging back as closer as he gets. "What I want.... Is you to come home with me."

"Derek... I live here now."

"Oh see that's where your wrong."

"Derek-." I was stopped by him putting a towel over my mouth and next minute I know I'm passed out.


As I awake, I blink my eyes a few times taking in the familiar area around me. It was my office. I look around and see it's now dark outside. My mind goes straight to Meredith. She must be worried. I try to get up by my arms are tied together on the chair and I feel my feet tied together as well.

I look around and I don't see Derek no where in sight. Oh god. What if he's gone to Meredith.

Few minutes later of struggling trying to to get free, but failed every time. I prayed for a teacher to be stopping by or something I don't know, anything.

Just as another failed attempt, my office door starts to open.

It's Derek.

"Derek! You better not have hurt her!" I say.

"Who?" He plays dumb walking up to me with a knife in his hand.

"Meredith." I say.

"Oh no need for me to hurt her."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"My partner is there taking care of her right now."

"Derek I swear to god!" I yell. He just smiles.

"You know her Addison."

"Her?" I questioned. How could woman do awful things. Well I'm praying not awful. If I ever get lose from here I'm killing anyone who hurts Meredith.

"Perky, blond, Meredith's so to be 'girl friend' ring a bell?" He says putting air quotes with his fingers over 'girlfriend'.

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