chap 7 - gay vibe from me?

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Arizona's POV:
"Can you tell me why your so moody this morning? Your not normally like this. Your Usually so respectful and kind. I've never seen you act like this," she says.

We were now in her office. "I don't know," I said looking down.

"You can tell me right now or I can call Mrs. Altman down here. Would you like that to happen?" She said sternly.

"No ma'am. I'm sorry I'm just tired," I say.

"Why are you tired? Did you not get any sleep last night?" She asked.  

"I did,"

"Then why are you tired?"

"I don't know ok! Why is it any of your business anyways!" I snapped and then put my hand on my forehead.  Instantly regretting it.

"I'm going to get Mrs. Altman down here," she says getting up from her desk.

I slumped down in the chair and prayed to god that my mother wouldn't come in here screaming at me.

I really didn't get any sleep last night. I stayed up admiring the girl in my arms all night and only got about 3 hours of sleep. Those might be the best 3 hours I've ever slept since along time.

"Arizona!" I heard my mother say coming in. Ms Montgomery was right behind her and she shut the door. "Ugh I don't have time for this," I mumbled under my breath. "Do you really think it's a good idea to disrespect Ms. Montgomery that way?" She asked.

Meredith's POV:
"Yeah.. she's probably getting in trouble right now," I say to Alex.

"I didn't know she had that in her," Alex laughed.

"Me either." I say. I'm kind of jealous that she got to spend more time with the principal.

"So what did y'all do last night? I FaceTimed you but you didn't answer,"

"Well.. we watched a scary movie and then went to sleep,"

"That's all?" He asked with a smirk.

"What are you getting at Alex? Of course that's all," I say. Getting a little nerves he can read me like a book.

"Yeah sure. I see the way she smiles at you," he smirks again.

"Come on. She smiles like that to everyone and besides I've just met the girl," I say.

"Yeah. You just met the girl and already have 'sleepovers' with each other,"

"So you think I'm gay?" I asked.

He paused for a while and said... "I mean.. would it matter if I did?"

My mouth dropped slightly. "Your not answering the question,"

"Well it's not like you had a lot of luck with guys,"

"Did she make a move on you?" He laughed not being serious. I paused and looked at him giving him the answer without actually saying anything. "She did!" He says.


The bell rang for 3rd period. We left 2nd period and made our way to 3rd. When we got there Arizona was already in there with her head down on the desk.

"Arizona?" I said as I tapped her shoulder. She didn't even look she just told me to go away.

"Go away Meredith,"

"Arizona come on.. talk to-,"  I start but got
Interrupted by the voice on the inter come.

"Can I get Meredith grey to come down to the office please," Ms. Montgomery said through the inter come. I looked up and the teacher motioned me out of the class room. Not going to lie I think the principal is hot and all and I want to be around her 24/7 but I'm quit nervous on what I'm getting called to the office for.

A principal's obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now