chap 10 - tonight's plan

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Meredith's POV:
"Where the fuck were you?!" Lexie yelled at me. I've just pulled up into the drive way.

"I had after school detention," I said as I walked passed her into the house.

"Well you you could have told me! You had me walking home! HOME MEREDITH IN THIS HOT WEATHER!" She says.

I stop in my tracks almost at the top of the stairs and say, "does it look like I give a fuck?"

"I'm telling mom,"

"What the fuck is she going to do? She's never fucking home! Fuck you and fuck her!" I yell.

"MEREDITH GREY!" My mother said coming to stand by Lexie. She put her hands on her hips and looked at me with that look that she used to give us as kids when we got in trouble. "Don't you ever swear in my house again! Or disrespect me or your sister again!"

I just stood there and crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. "Your grounded,"

"Excuse me?" I laughed.

"You heard me. Now go to your room," what in the hell is wrong with her. She has never grounded me or Lexie before. why now? I turn around and started to go to my room until she says, "for 2 months!"

"what the fuck," I say under my breath and slam my door.

I got to my room and pulled out my phone and got a text from Arizona and Alex. I opened Alex's first asking if I wanted to go out Friday night to a party. I responded with yes and then I went to open Arizona's message.

"Meredith. The thing is that I really like you and it took a lot of courage to actually come up to you in the cafeteria the first day I actually talked to you. I hope you like me back! Anyways text me. ❤️"

How do I respond to that? I mean do I like her? Or.. I don't know. I called her and she picked up fast. She sounds like she's in a better mood from earlier.

"Hey Mer!" She says.


"So did you read my message?" She says.

"I did,"


"I like you to Arizona," I blurted.

Arizona's POV:
Coming home from school I text Meredith and told her I had feelings for her. I hope she likes me back or I'm going to feel like an idiot for sending the message.

"Arizona!" My mom calls down from the kitchen.

I walk down stairs to see what she wants. "Yes?"

"You know your grounded right?"

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because you disrespected the principal. Not only is she the principal to you she's also my boss,"

"So? Kids disrespect her all the time she's not going to fire you or anything,"

"Arizona stop back talking and go up to your room,"

"That's were I was the first time," I say rolling my eyes turning around headed back to my room.

"What did you just say,"


I got to my room and I see Meredith was calling. That means that she doesn't hate me or she won't ignore the text so I answered fast as I could.

"Hey Mer!"


"So did you read my message?" I say.

"I did,"


"I like you to Arizona," She blurted.

"You do?" I smiled. I knew she couldn't see me but that made me have the biggest smile.

"I do,"

"Good," I smiled again.

"Sooo.. are you going to the party Friday tonight," she asked.

"I haven't heard of anything about a party and also I'm grounded," I say.

"Me either Alex told me about it and I'm grounded to,"

"Wait. Why did you get grounded?" I ask.

"Because I told my sister  fuck her and our mom. I didn't know my mother was home and she overheard," she explained.

"Wow. You've got balls," I say.

"Yeah. Anyways I think I'm going to sneak out to the party are you up for it?"

"Uh I don't know," I say.

"Oh come on. It'll be fun," she says. 

"Fine!" "But I've never snuck out before," I say.

"Me either which makes it more funnier,"

"What time is this party?" I asked.

"Alex said it was at 10:30,"

"Wow. That's late don't you think?" I say.

"Not at all. I'll come get you around 9 on Friday night ok?"

"Alright bye mer,"

"Bye zona,"

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