chap 12 - leaving

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Meredith's POV:
Alex dropped me and Arizona back off out our houses and little did I know when I came home my mom was there.

I walked through the front door and she was standing right there like she was waiting for me.

"Where have you been!?" She yelled.

"Out," I say.

"Out where?" She questioned.

"Just out ok!" I tried to go pass her to the stairs but she grabbed my arm.

"WHERE IS OUT MEREDITH!?" she yelled.

"Stop your hurting me," I say trying to get my arm free.

"Tell me where you were!"

"A party!" I say.

She let go of my arm and slapped me. I held my face as I cried and ran up the stairs.

I went into my room and packed my bag. I wasn't staying here anymore. My arm was bruised from when she grabbed it.

It went down stairs with my bag and saw lexie on the couch. I flipped her off for telling on me and she gasped. I then went in the kitchen drawer looking for my keys and finally found them.

"Where do you think your going?" My mother asked.

"I'm leaving,"

"No your not,"

"Yes I am,"

"If you leave out your never allowed back into this house ever again!" She yelled. I rolled my eyes and walked out the door.

I found myself driving towards Ms. Montgomery's house. I don't know why. I got there and stopped re thinking if I should go knock or not.

I finally got the courage to get out of my car and walk up to her door. I knocked and waiting for a while. Just as I was thinking about turning around I heard her foot steps and she yelled "I'm coming!" From the inside. "Meredith? What are you doing here?" She asked as she opened the door. She was in a robe with her wet hair pushed back in a long tail.

"I'm- s-," I try to speak but ended up sobbing instead.

"Come in babe," she says guiding me inside by her hand on my shoulder. She lead me to the couch and we sat there until she lifted my head up. "What happened to your face!?" She asked almost freaking out.

"M- my- mom," I barley get out.

"Your mother did this to you?" She asked shocked. I nodded my head and she just pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry meredith," she says as I cry harder.

After my crying goes down she pulls away giving me a soft smile. "Im sorry. I just had no where else to go," I say.

"It's ok. Your more than welcome to stay here. Your own mother shouldn't have did this to you," she says softly stroking my hair back. "Do you have any clothes?" She asked.

"Yeah their in my car," I say.

"Alright how about you go get them and im going to go up and change. Alright?" I nodded in agreement and went to go get my clothes out of my car. Well thank you mom for being an abusive bitch now I get to stay with my hot principal.

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