Costume Time! (day6)

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Today, for a random idol variety show in a few hours, DAY6 were asked to dress each other up as anything they wanted. It could be a costume, an outfit, or anything, as long as it was appropriate and that they actually bought clothes and didn't leave the other person naked or something outlandish like that. After they've dressed up, they would have to perform "Sweet Chaos" with those outfits on, along with the interview, etc, in them.

After a random draw, it was decided that Jae had to dress Wonpil, Wonpil had to dress Dowoon, Dowoon had to dress Sungjin, Sungjin had to dress Young K, and Young K had to dress Jae. 

The thing is, though, that no one knew who was dressing them.

"Oh, this is gonna be easy," Dowoon said.

"This is about to get interesting," Jae said, "I think I have a good idea of what to ge."

"Oh, I know exactly what I'm buying," Young K said with glee.

"I swear, Brian, if you got me don't make me look like a weirdo," Sungjin said

"Stop calling me Brian, I swear..."

"Whoever got me better make me look a least a little bit decent," Wonpil said, "or else you'll hear about it later at the dorm."

"Okay everyone, let's start," Sungjin said, "And to the person who got me, make sure you buy me a good outfit."

They had an hour to buy what they wished. They could go to any store in the area, and had to be back with their costume once time ran out.

The quintet split up quickly and went to the stores.

One hour later...

Everyone came back after an hour and handed each other the outfits, all hidden in shopping bags.

"Everyone inside and go to the restrooms," Jae said.

In the bathroom, there were several uproars. Loud, frustrated uproars.

"WHY! Who decided to buy this?" Jae yelled.

"Ugh, I swear to God, what is this thing?" Young K asked.

"This is a monstrosity, why?" Wonpil screamed.

"Why do I have to wear this? Why?!" Sungjin asked loudly.

"Okay then," Dowoon said upon seeing his outfit, already defeated.

Everyone stepped out of their stalls. Upon seeing each other, they started laughing.

Sungjin was wearing a simple flannel shirt with jeans. It would've looked normal if it weren't for the fact that he was wearing a construction helmet.

Jae was wearing a pair of green glasses and a striped green, white, and black shirt, dressed up almost exactly as Chicken Little. The amazing, beautiful touch was a hilarious chicken beanie.

Wonpil was in a snake costume. Just a snake costume. No gimmicks, just the reptile costume.

Young K's outfit was simple: a white t-shirt, ripped jeans, and a baseball cap, but on what looked like a supermarket employee's name tag was "Brian."

Dowoon actually looked nice, with a leather jacket, a white t-shirt, skinny jeans, and Converses. The only thing was that he was wearing a name tag that said "Hello! My name is Drum," and had on a cap that said "DRUM" in all caps.

"How did Dowoon and Younghyun get decent outfits while I'm standing here looking like Chicken Little?" Jae asked.

"You're welcome," Young K said. "Oh sh-"

"So you bought this?!" Jae asked. He yeeted himself at Young K and tried to attack him. Luckily, Young K ran away, but now he was being chased.

"I'm actually okay with this," Dowoon said, looking at himself in the mirror, "Let me guess, Jae bought this. He seems like the kind of person who'd buy this."

"Well, whoever bought me this is about to catch some hands," Sungjin said.

"And whoever bought this is mean!" Wonpil whined, "I'm definitely gonna-"

Everyone stopped as Sungjin had to stop Jae from strangling Young K.

"Alright, everyone, please reveal who you bought an outfit for." Sungjin looked at Dowoon to go first.

"Oh, I bought... your outfit."

"Why?!?! You're seriously-" Sungjin pinched the skin between his eyes. "Nevermind, next, me. I bought Young K's outfit."

"Oh, ok. I'm fine with it, except for the name tag. Why the name tag, though? My name is not Brian."

"Just because 1) It's funny, and 2) I wanted to see how you would react, which wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be, but it's okay."

"Alright, then, I'm next, and as everyone knows by now, I bought Jae's outfit."

"I'm never gonna forgive you for this. I'll get revenge, just wait."

"Alright then, but I'm still proud of myself."

"Wow. Anyway, I bought Wonpil's outfit."

"Why, you're so mean!"

"Because it suits you."

"Jae, I swear- okay, I'm not getting mad just yet. Anyways, finally, I dressed Dowoon."

"Oh ok."

"That's it?"

"Yeah, this outfit's okay."

"Anyways, time to perform in these amazing outfits, guys!" Sungjin said with fake enthusiasm, walking away in despair.

"Yahoo," Jae said sarcastically.

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