Baking 101 (day6)

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Why are Jae, Younghyun, Wonpil, and Sungjin currently awake at six in the morning when they don't need to be up until nine?

Well, today's Dowoon's birthday.

And they're gonna try and make a cake.

Keyword: try

How hard could it be?

"Alright, so we have cake mix, eggs in the fridge, and oil. We have all we need," Jae said. "Let us commence."

"Are you sure this will be easy?" Wonpil asked, slightly nervous.

"It's literally boxed mix, how hard could it be?"

At first, things went relatively smoothly. Sure, they spilled a bit of mix, and oil, but other than that, not much.

Until Wonpil dropped the eggs.

Wonpil, who is usually a pure bean, whisper-yelled "fuck" as he slipped on the spilled oil and fell flat on his butt, the eggs flying along with him.

"Well, there go the eggs," YoungK sighed, "How many do we need?"

"Three?" Jae said, picking up the broken shells, "Well, I found two eggs that weren't completely smashed, we'll just use them!"

"But we need three." Sungjin sighed as Jae threw away all except two not-so-broken eggs. The other two were cracked into the bowl without thought. Sungjin quickly took out a few eggshell pieces from said bowl before Younghyun came back with two baking pans.

Sungjin sighed. "This is gonna be a fail, I can feel it."

"I know, but better to try than to give up," Jae said, picking up the bowl. He surprisingly filled both pans up without mess.

"Just in case this fails," YoungK took out his phone, "I'm gonna order a cake from the bakery. It's only a few blocks away, so..."

Dowoon woke up to a suspicious bang from the kitchen. However, he was too lazy to check it, so he just turned around and eventually fell back asleep.

As the cakes baked, the four bandmates simply browsed their phones. Suddenly Jae exclaimed, "Let's make the cake look like a drum set!"

The other four gave the oldest a quizzical look. "Why?" Wonpil asked.

"Because Dowoon's our drummer and he said once that he's a drum, and it'll be funny," Jae said in one breath.

"But how?" Sungjin asked.

"Well, with enough icing, one of the cake layers could be put on its side..." YoungK trailed off, ideas spilling out of his mouth.

"And we can use random cardboard to make other stuff!" Jae said just as the oven beeped.

Now Dowoon was definitely awake.

"The heck are they doing?" Dowoon whispered to himself as he saw steam from the kitchen. He shrugged, going back to his room and collapsing onto the bed again.

Jae and YoungK took out the cakes, while Wonpil and Sungjin took the task of attempting to take them out of the pan. However, the task turned out to be quite more difficult than they originally thought.

Sungjin took a knife and sliced around the cake to loosen it from the rim. He took a deep breath before tipping it over onto the plate.

"Wait, it's not coming out." Sungjin shook the pan a few times. "Maybe I shou- CRAP!" The cake did come out, but not in one piece. It was rather two distinct ones, a lotta crumbs, and a small piece still stuck to the pan.

"Did we not spray these?" Sungjin asked.

"We did!" Jae said.

"Maybe it was the eggs," Wonpil said. His cake had also not come out neatly. However, though it was cracked, it hadn't broken into pieces like Sungjin's. Still not usable, though.

"Maybe." Sungjin sighed, looking down at his broken layer. "Now what are we gonna do?"

"Wait," Younghyun said, getting up. "I saw this thing on Instagram." The boy took the tarnished cake layers and put it into a bowl. He then took a can of icing and put a big dollop of the sweet cream into the bowl as well. He mixed it with his hands. "There, it's like a dough now. This is how they make cake pops. We can use this to make whatever Jae wanted to make."

"Yes!" Jae said. He took the cake pop mixture and started molding it with Wonpil and Sungjin, Younghyun behind them wondering what the hell they were doing.

"Hey Dowoon, wake up," Wonpil said quietly, knocking on the door.

"I'm already up because of whatever was happening in the kitchen," Dowoon sighed, opening the door.

A chorus of happy birthdays rang through the hall as Jae came around the corner, holding a very misshapen cake.

"The heck is that?" Dowoon asked after blowing the candles.

"A cake?" Sungjin said, unsure of himself.

"It's supposed to be a drum," Jae said.

Dowoon slapped his forehead. "I mean, thanks, but it looks like you guys struggled. A lot."

The cake was really nothing but a messy lump covered in icing. It kinda looked like a flattened tire.

Jae attempted to slice the mess, but it just kept crumbling. "Well, spoons it is," he said, taking a spoonful straight from the cake.

"Aren't you lactose-intolerant?" YoungK asked.

"A bite or two won't hurt," Jae said, taking a bite, "Well, it's sweet..."

Everyone took a reluctant bite. It tasted good at first, and the cake alone was tasty, but a few bites later, it was too sweet to handle because of the icing.

"Well, at least you guys tried," Dowoon laughed. "It's the thought that counts, I guess. Thanks."

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," YoungK said, answering the door. He came back holding a package.

"I asked the manager to get your actual cake," YoungK said, placing the delicate dessert on the table.

Dowoon smiled. This cake looked much more normal. There was even a drum decal on top.

"Happy birthday," Sungjin said, patting the boy on the back.

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