The Big Crab Debate: Redux (day6)

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English is in bold.


The beach. The ocean. The sand. The fun. Day6 were touring and had a stop in Florida, so they decided to dedicate a day to the beach. After a rather eventful morning (Jae had almost choked on sand because he "accidentally" pushed Younghyun into the ocean. Younghyun ended up throwing a bucket full of sand and water at him.), the sun set, and Jae was trying to do some convincing to go on a night adventure.

"Hey guys! Let's go crab hunting!"

"Crab hunting?" Wonpil asked.

"Why?" Dowoon asked.

"Yeah! We'll look for crabs in the sand and water. You can find small and big ones. I used to do it all the time in Cali."

"I mean sure, why not, sounds fun," Sungjin said, getting up.

"Okay then, I'll go too!" Wonpil said.

"Sure," Dowoon said.

"Fine, but if ANYONE pushes me in the ocean again,no one's gonna find your body," Younghyun threatened.

"Alright, alright, Brian...I know, you can stop about that now," Jae sighed, "But let's go!"

They grabbed their phones to use for flashlights, a camera, and two buckets and went down to the beach, prepared for a crab hunt.

"Wow, I'm surprised at how many other families are here," Younghyun said.

There were a lot of other families crab hunting, along with fishermen, college kids, teens, and many other cliques. 

So they began. They walked to the left, shining their phone flashlights in the ocean and the sand.

"Crabs will usually bury themselves in the sand in the daytime, then come out at night," Jae informed them, "The best places to look are in the damp sand, as well as the shallower water. Look out for small holes, those may be sand crabs, and the bigger ones will be in the shallows."

Everyone nodded in understanding. Jae and Dowoon, the only ones who put on swim trunks for the occasion, took one bucket and looked in the ocean, while the others looked in the sand with the other bucket.

"YO! Got one!" Younghyun had successfully caught a sand crab.

"Ay, you're a natural!" Jae said.

"It's so cute!" Wonpil said.

"Just don't touch it or you're gonna get pinched," Sungjin said.

15 minutes later, they had managed to catch a total of three sand crabs and some weird shellfish in a curly shell. They decided to turn back at this point.

"Remember, we gotta release these later," Dowoon said.

"Yeah, we kn- Holy Jesus what is that?!" Sungjin yelled, pointing to the ocean.

There, in the shallow water, were two white crabs: one huge one, and a baby one.

"Brian! Grab the other bucket!" Jae yelled. With teamwork and a bit of struggling, Younghyun and Jae grinned, holding up the bucket in victory.

"We only got the big one, but look!" Jae said, pointing at the crab, "This is the biggest one I've caught in years!"

Happy and proud, the boys walked back to their van.

"What shall we name it?" Dowoon asked.

"YoungK and Jae, you can do the honors since you guys caught it," Wonpil said.

"How about Patricia?" Jae said.

Younghyun laughed, but disagreed, "No way, let's call it Jeff."

"Nah, how about Bob?"

"No, do Tom."

"But I like the name Bob!

Soon enough, Younghyun and Jae were having a heated debate over the crab's name.

"Guys! Keep it down!" Sungjin said.

"Sorry, Sungjin-hyung," Younghyun apologized.

"Let's call the crab Sungjin," Jae suddenly announced.

Everyone froze before wheezing in laughter.

"YES! That name is gold!" Younghyun wheezed.

"Sungjin the crab it is then. And that means that it's indirectly Bob the crab," Jae said.

"Holy hell yes!" Younghyun said, still laughing as they went up to the van, "The fans are gonna love that!"

"Wait guys! We can't bring the crabs with us!" Wonpil yelled, trying to catch up.

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