The Little Things (taehyun, tomorrow x together)

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"Today we have a new student joining our class." I fiddled with my pencil absentmindedly as the teacher entered the classroom. I looked up just in time to see a girl enter the room behind her. My eyes almost widened. Contrasting to everyone else's monochrome sweatshirts paired with denim or sweatpants alongside sneakers, this girl was wearing a flowing, flowery teal blouse with periwinkle tights and short tan boots, a matching lilac headband nestled in her chocolate wavy brown hair. Her backpack was a velvet red color with shiny golden zippers and numerous keychains and pins. She also had on nude matte lipstick, thin eyeliner, and smoky eye makeup, which was surprising since none of the girls here ever put in that much effort in makeup. Her eyes were hazel with swirls of brown, gold, and green. It was perplexing.

"Hello!" the eccentric newcomer said cheerfully, "My name's Hayun Bae, I hope to have fun in this class this year!"

I saw the surprise on everyone's faces, even the teacher's. "Alright, welcome Hayun, you can sit by Taehyun Kang, over there. Taehyun, raise a hand please." She pointed toward me and I lifted my hand slightly. "Alright everyone take out your binders for notes. Today's subject is The American Revolution..."

As Mrs. Choi began droning on about today's subject, I heard Hayun place her bag next to the chair and take a seat next to me.

"Hi Taehyun, I'm Hayun, nice to be your seatmate," the girl chimed, extending her hand.

"Hi," I said, shaking her hand briefly before turning my attention to the board. She, too, took out a binder (a striped one with "History" written in cursive black glitter pen) and began jotting notes.

"Can anyone tell me why Britain taxed the colonies so heavily?" the teacher asked. As everyone went completely silent, Hayun's hand went into the air.

"Britain was in debt because of the French and Indian War and decided to use the colonies to get the money back, and they also wanted more control over them," Hayun answered. I was surprised she was already participating in class, even participating in general, since this is the universally least liked class in the junior year.

"Correct," Mrs. Clarksons said, face surprised at her in-depth answer.

I almost leaped out of my seat as the bell rang. Dang, I wanted to get out.

"Remember to study for the vocabulary quiz!" the teacher yelled as everyone trickled out. I quickly jammed my stuff into my bag.

"What's your next class Taehyun?" I looked up to see Hayun standing in front of me. I sighed. She was peculiar and I didn't know how to feel about that.

"Architecture." And with that, I walked away to leave.

"Aw, that's too bad, I have art next," Hayun said, following me. The art classroom was in the same direction as architecture, so shaking her off wasn't gonna happen any time soon.

"Why is everyone here so down? It's a beautiful day and the school's nice, why is everyone not talking to each other or anything?" I heard Hayun mumble, her lips pouting slightly as we passed numerous students.

"Because that's life, I guess," I found myself saying.

"But why does everyone have to perceive life as boring? I mean, at least try to smile. Even if it's fake, it'll light up the day. Life is vibrant. People should live it a little. And you look bored, live a bit," Hayun said, giving me a pat on the shoulder. And with that, she left, entering the art classroom. My face had puzzlement written all over it. That girl was quite a character.

Architecture went by quickly, and at this point, news had spread around about the new weird student. Everyone had something to say about her.

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