Beach Memories (s.coups, seventeen)

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For Seungcheol's birthday, the other Seventeen boys decided to throw a party at the beach. They set up a few beach tents, fairy lights, tables and chairs, and a grill, for food, obviously.

"Where am I?" Seungcheol asked. He was blindfolded and had been in the car for at least 30 minutes.

"We're almost there, hyung," Mingyu said to him, guiding the older out of the car and down the steps to the shore.

When the younger finally took the cloth away from Seungcheol's eyes, several streamers flew through the air.


Seungcheol gasped, almost in tears. "Guys, this is amazing, when-"

"Party now, tears later," Soonyoung interrupted, taking Seungcheol's hand, "Let's have a blast!"

They lit firework sparklers and played volleyball, ate delicious grilled meat until they burst  (courtesy of Mingyu's amazing cooking), drank the night away, talked about random things, watched the sunset, and had a pina colada cake. Needless to say that the party was epic.

However, as the sky began to darken and everyone was either sugar high, drunk, or extremely worn out (or all three), Seungcheol excused himself from the table. The boy began to walk along the shore to clear his head. The night was pleasant: warm yet slightly breezy. Seungcheol took a deep breath of the salty air, smiling.

Oh, how he loved the beach.

The calming sound of the waves splashing on the shore was just what he needed to gather his thoughts. It was nice, the solitude, even if he was a social kind of person. The party was awesome, but Seungcheol wanted a bit of "thought collecting time," to think about things. Himself, his life, the world, and things.

The darkening sky, the sun slowly disappearing from view, gave the beach a serene, tranquil atmosphere, different from the bustling daytime. Seungcheol stood still for a moment and closed his eyes, allowing the sounds of the ocean to calm his mind. He relaxed and allowed the atmosphere to overtake him.

He decided to sit on the shoreline, along the waves to gently lap his feet. Yes, he knew he was gonna get really sandy, but he didn't really care. His eyes' gaze slowly parted from the dark expanse of the ocean and instead to the glimmering color palette up in the sky. Reds and pinks, yellows and oranges, rippled the beautiful sky, and the waves crashed on the sand in its soothing rhythm. His hair whipped around as the wind blew, salty and refreshing. He wanted to lay down, but sand in his hair would be disastrous.

As he stared back into the ocean, all other thoughts trailed away. They were muted and his running mind faded into tranquility, relaxing him. He was thankful for all the members planning this surprise party for him. All 12 of them were something special, irreplaceable, inseparable, a family.

He heard footsteps coming closer to him, but he didn't mind.

"I thought you'd be here," Jeonghan said.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Joshua yelled a little ways off. "You and your damn long legs..."

"Stop making excuses, you're just slow. And we're the same height."

Joshua rolled his eyes, but sat next to Jeonghan as the '95 liners sat together on the beach.

"The sky is pretty," Joshua commented.

The other two nodded. "Did you enjoy your party?" Jeonghan asked.

"Yes, it was amazing, thank you," Seungcheol said.

"It was Mingyu's idea, actually, the beach. And Wonwoo wanted to have grilled meat. Jun and Minghao did the fairy lights and stuff, and Soonyoung brought the sparklers, and Seungkwan suggested the surprise element. It was a team effort."

Joshua nodded in agreement. Then the boys heard shuffling.

"Mind if we join you?" Vernon asked as he and Chan walked towards them.

"Sure." Vernon and Chan sat behind them, looking into the ocean. Eventually, Seungkwan ran over, then Wonwoo and Mingyu, then Seokmin, then Soonyoung, then Jihoon, then finally Junhui and Minghao. All of Seventeen sat together, staring at the expanse of blue sea and watched the sky darken to a deep indigo.

"Thanks for the party everyone," Seungcheol said, eyes watering.

A chorus of "No problem!"s and "You're welcome!"s resonated from the other boys as they soon found themselves in a giant group hug.


"OI!" Vernon yelled as Dino suddenly threw a handful of wet sand at him. With a mischievous smirk, Vernon took another handful and threw it back, but accidentally hit Joshua in the process.

"Oh, you're gonna get it," the boy said in English, running towards the younger.

Vernon screamed, dashing far away, but sadly, couldn't outrun Josh as the LA boy pushed him into the ocean.

Seungcheol was laughing his head off, until he felt arms wrap around him.

"Mingyu, Hoshi, what are- ARGH!" Seungcheol screamed as Mingyu and Hoshi teamed up and plopped him into the ocean.

"You little-" Chaos erupted as the boys started throwing sand and water at each other.

"BEACH FIGHT!" Jun yelled.

As they ran, threw sand, and dunked into the sea, Seungcheol knew that today, along with any other day with Seventeen, would be the best time in his life he could ever have.

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