Three-Way BDay (day6, stray kids)

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Jae, Felix & Han


The phone rang quietly as the boy waited for his friend on the other side of the line to pick up. When they finally did, he immediately started talking.

"Hyung, I have an idea. Let's do a combined birthday party next week."

"Elaborate. For who?"

"Jae-hyung, Felix, and Jisung, obviously. Jisung and Felix are basically a day apart, and Jae shares Felix's birthday. So let's celebrate all three at the same time!"

"Not a bad idea. It's gonna be chaotic, though."

"And? Since when has this career not been chaotic."


"Alright, then, it's settled. I'll tell my group, and you tell yours. How does BBQ sound?"

"That's a good idea. Do you have to?"


"Tell the others. It'll be even funnier if no one knows but us."

"Well- actually, agreed. Let's keep it secret."

"I'm jealous of you," Seungmin said.

Felix turned his head to his other member. "And why is that?"

"You share a birthday with not only another person from this company, but a DAY6 member, of all people."

"Well, sorry, can't control when I was born. Sucks for you."


"What about me?!" Jisung exclaimed.

"You have no say in this, you weren't born on the same day as Jae-hyung," Seungmin retorted, turning back to his phone. Jisung was about to argue when Minho walked into the room.

"Just reminding y'all to get your asses off the couch and get ready for the party," Minho said. "Your party, Jisung and Felix."

"Harsh much, hyung?" Jisung commented.

"It's in two hours, we're fine," Felix said with a huff.

"It's at 5:00, and it's 4:15."

"No it's not, it's 3- oh shoot it is," Felix said when he checked the clock, rushing out of the room.

"You too," Chan said as he passed by. Sighing, Seungmin got up to get ready.


"ALRIGHT!" Jae yelled, running outside whilst buttoning his shirt, "Geez, no need to scream."

"Took you long enough," Younghyun laughed, then yelped, "OW!" as Jae smacked him relatively hard on the shoulder. He glared at the younger, hand up to hit Younghyun again if he retorted.

"Alright, let's go!" Wonpil yelled.

"Korean BBQ is gonna be so good..." Hyunjin muttered as the boys entered the restaurant.

"Hello, we have a reservation at 5:00 under Park," Chan said quietly to the host.

"Park?" Changbin asked.

"That's what I was told," Chan said.

The host led them to the back rooms, "Here is your table."

"Why so many extra seats?" Jeongin asked Chan, who just smiled mysteriously.

"Others are coming," he responded casually, sitting down. Everyone gave him a quizzical look, but sat down anyway.

"Food, let's go," Dowoon exclaimed.

"Hello, we have a reservation at 5:00 under Park," Younghyun said to the host.

"As in my last name?" Jae asked.


The host led them into the back room. However, to their surprise except for one, there were already people there.

"The hell is going on? Why are you guys here, too?" Felix exclaimed, confused.

"Hi, Stray Kids!" Younghyun exclaimed with a smile and an energetic wave as he sat down across from Chan. The two high-fived each other with victorious smiles.

"Um, hello DAY6-sunbaenims, but what?" Seungmin asked.

"Wait." Jisung looked at Chan and Younghyun, who were about to die from holding in their laughter. "Chan-hyung, did you and Younghyun-hyung PLAN THIS?!"

"Yes," they both said, finally laughing.

"Alright, it's a three-way birthday party," Sungjin said with a chuckle, "How funny."

"Hello, welcome to Palsaik Samgyeopsal, what would you like to order?" the waiter asked them as they entered their private room.

"When was this planned?" Felix asked as he shoved another piece of meat into his mouth.

"Last week," Younghyun said.


"Whenever you guys are done eating, I brought the cake," Chan said.

"So did I," Minho said.

"Yay, two cakes!" Felix and Jisung exclaimed.

"Three, actually," Jae said, pulling out a bag. Stray Kids gave him a weird look, "Yes, my members made me pick out my own cake. It's lactose-free and stuff."

"Fair enough," Jisung said.

As everyone settled down, Sungjin took out candles.

"Alright, light 'em up!" Jae said in English.

And so three idols celebrate their unexpected birthdays together around grilled meat, three cakes, fellow members, and friends.

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