004. rabbit heart

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CW: Smut, oral sex (f receiving), soft!dom Bucky, dirty talk, daddy kink, choking, spit kink, hate fucking, pet names, manipulation

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CW: Smut, oral sex (f receiving), soft!dom Bucky, dirty talk, daddy kink, choking, spit kink, hate fucking, pet names, manipulation.

This is a gift, it comes with a price
Who is the lamb and who is the knife?
Midas is king and he holds me so tight
And turns me to gold in the sunlight
- Florence + The Machine, "Raise It Up"

Other than the sound of forks hitting ceramic, the room is silent as they eat. The food is good — really good, actually. Penelope needed this more than she thought, and the champagne is helping out with her hangover. James glances up at her and Penelope occasionally meets his eye, still a little too afraid to look at him directly.

"Do I have to stay in this dress the entire time?" She asks.

He shakes his head.

"No. There's an ensuite bathroom in here. Your friend has one too. Yelena will let him know. We just wanted the two of you to sober up a little first."

"Where is it?" Penelope asks.

James stands and walks toward a closet, opening it. It's basically opening another massive room that's almost as big as this one. On one side is a large wardrobe with shoes, dresses, jeans, t-shirts, blouses, accessories, and anything else she could possibly want. There's a small vanity for her to get dressed filled with makeup and skincare products.

On the other side is a large bathtub with a shower, a toilet, and a sink filled with even more luxurious skincare and bath products. There are fluffy towels that Penelope wants to wrap around herself like a cloud.

Her eyes go wide and she drops her fork on her plate. There are no windows, so there's nowhere for her to escape to. The only "window" in the room is one that's so tiny that she couldn't actually get through it. Penelope doubts that she could call for help, and it probably just goes to another place in the basement.

She's going to have to make the best of this.

Whatever that means.

James turns to her and bites his lip.

"I'm going to untie you after dinner. You're free to use this room as you'd like." He walks over to the nightstand and Penelope sees him snatch up a small remote. He points it at the wall and a section of it flips over, revealing a large television.

"You can watch TV, movies, anything you want. Scott has the exact same room as you. Same privileges."

"You said his name," Penelope whispers.

"Is there something wrong with that?" James asks as he shoves his hands into his pockets and walks toward her, one brow lifted.

Penelope shakes her head.

"No. Not at all."

He takes a deep breath.

"There's a gym if you want to use it, with a sauna and a hot tub. Yelena or myself can escort you. You're not to go anywhere without an escort." He walks toward her and grasps her chin. "And if you try to escape, my little darling, I have ways of finding you."

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