017. transformations

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This contains the final chapter as well as the epilogue

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This contains the final chapter as well as the epilogue. Short, but very sweet. 

CW: Threesomes, blowjobs, daddy kink, praise kink, breeding kink, Paris (😏), babies, sweetness, and lots of fluff to finish this off.

Dahlia and James were too messed up to have children, but I think Steve, Penelope, and James deserve a cute lil baby. If that's not your thing, I don't need to hear it. My story, my ending, my rules. ✌🏻

This time, her wedding day isn't a dream.

They were married in a vineyard two months after the incident with Rumlow. They needed time for James and Penelope's faces to heal.

The ceremony was short, but so incredibly sweet as the sun hung high in the sky.

James carries her up the stairs to their bedroom. The three of them decided to take a break from the sunshine and the summer heat.

That and Steve wouldn't stop grinding against Penelope's ass and whispering about how much he wanted to fuck her while James sipped his drink at the bar, biting his lip as his eyes cascaded over the two of them.

They had been married for two hours before three of them decided to slip away.

Sunlight shines in through the massive windows and skylights leading up to the bedroom. When she walks down the stairs at night and looks up, she can see tiny diamonds glittering in the sky. It's enough to make her weep. This is her home now.

A beam of light hits her left ring finger and makes the silver band glisten. She can't stop looking at it, or the massive dark red engagement ring that Steve and James presented to her yesterday. It's shaped like a pomegranate, with two smaller black diamonds on the side to symbolize them. This ring might be the most beautiful thing Penelope has ever seen in her life. She'll wear it with pride until the day she dies.

Steve practically bounces beside them, giggling and chattering away.

"Jamie! A bird!"

"There's lots of 'em, darlin'," James purrs as he leans in to kiss Penelope. She smiles against his mouth as he whispers.

"I love you both more than anything else in the world."

"We love you too."

"It's a dove!" Steve whispers.

James and Penelope look up and smile.

"Doesn't that mean peace?" She asks.

"And freedom."

"And hope," Steve chimes in.

The dove coos above them, the three of them stopped on the staircase. They watch it clean itself and then fly away. Steve sighs happily, and then he claps his hands together.

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