006. common tongue

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CW: Smut (oral sex, f receiving), daddy kink, spanking, mentions of guns, violence, murder, hurt/comfort

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CW: Smut (oral sex, f receiving), daddy kink, spanking, mentions of guns, violence, murder, hurt/comfort. James needs a little TLC.

"Scottyyyyy!" Steve exclaims, kicking the door open.

James rolls his eyes, two cups of coffee in his hand - one for him, and one for Scott. Steve guzzled a Red Bull and did a line of coke this morning, so he's good to go. James doesn't know how he drinks that shit. It tastes like battery acid.

Scott leaps out of bed like he's been shot and falls onto the floor with a loud thunk, groaning. Steve giggles as he and James step inside.

"Morning, gorgeous," Steve purrs. "You ready to do a job this morning?"

Scott has one eye open, blinking profusely as he tries to get his bearings.

"What are we doing? What's happening? Why is it so early?"

"Delivering guns."

"It's 5:00am," Scott mumbles, confused as he looks up at the clock.

"And you're officially employed by The Barnes Family," James tells him as he sets a cup of hot black coffee with some coconut creamer in it, as per Scott's request. He has to keep his employees happy. "Drink up, kid, and then you can take a nap later."

Steve and James help Scott up. He sits on the edge of the bed in a pair of boxers and a t-shirt.

"You're gonna wanna wear a suit," Steve informs him. "For intimidation purposes."

"Right," Scott whispers.

"Black, preferably. James wears purple, I wear gold, Sammy wears red."

Scott nods and sips his coffee.

"Can do. Do you always do deliveries this early?"

"Gotta beat the hungover NYPD cops," James quips.

"Thanks for the coffee," Scott whispers.

"Any time."

It's quiet and Steve grabs Scott's remote, turning it to the morning news. He watches intently while James stares at Scott who takes a deep breath.

"How's Penelope?"

"She's fine."

Steve snickers.

"She's better than fine."

"What— what does that mean?" Scott asks.

"She's adjusting, and I assume you are too."

"Yeah, hey can I call my parents?"

James nods.

"There's a burner phone in the car. Leave them a message, tell them you're out of town for a while."

Scott frowns.

"Can I see them?"

James shakes his head. He can't risk it. He's planning on taking Penelope to see her father, but that has to be done carefully. Rumlow doesn't even know where James lives. He has four addresses - two are in Manhattan, one is in Brooklyn, and the third (this one) is upstate.

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