014. you should see me in a crown

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CW: Threesomes, somnophilia, wet dreams, squirting, spanking, James and Steve have a breeding kink

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CW: Threesomes, somnophilia, wet dreams, squirting, spanking, James and Steve have a breeding kink.

Also, FATHER PAUL IS COMING BACK! We're keeping that man booked and busy in the TCU.

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It's her wedding day.

Scott walks her down the aisle, telling her how proud he is. It's completely cliché, but it's what she's been dreaming about forever.

The billowing white dress, a sandy beach, flowers in her hair from the garden outside of the villa.

James is in a black and violet suit, while Steve wears a golden one, their blue eyes digging into hers as they recite their vows. Everything seems to move a bit too fast. It's too ethereal. Still, she doesn't want to miss a second.

There are flowers and music, and a beautiful archway constructed entirely of white roses.

She has no idea where they are, but she feels safe.

Her friends and family are there, proud of her — proud of them. The air smells like salt water and woodsmoke from a small fire that they've built to keep warm once the sun goes down. Everything is perfect, and she's carried off by the two men who saved her life.

As James carries her, she feels something warm between her legs, and a fire emerging in the pit of her stomach as they walk toward a building she doesn't recognize. Inside, James lays her down on a bed of black and red silk sheets. He and Steve kiss and strip each other's tuxes off while their guests drink and party outside. Their muscles are perfectly carved out in the sunlight, their tattoos dark and prominent.

Penelope turns her head to look out of a large glass door that leads to the outside. She's not that far from the beach where they were married, but her friends and family don't seem to notice their absence as they mingle, drink, and dance. It's like they were never there at all. Nobody is coming for them.

She watches as Steve and James kiss, the fire in her belly growing so unbearably hot that she has to put her hand between her legs. She's soaking wet, moaning as Steve sucks on James's throat. They don't seem to notice that she's even in the room anymore. Steve drops to his knees and wraps his lips around James's cock. His head bobs up and down as she watches James groan.

"That's a good boy. Take all of it, Stevie."

Steve whines and his hand wraps around what his mouth can't reach as Penelope feels herself getting wetter and wetter. She wants to get out of her dress, but she can't seem to remember how. Her head feels fuzzy, like she's had too much to drink, or too much sun.

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