005. pomegranate seeds

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CW: Double smut, dumbification (google pls), slapping, pet names, anal sex, fingering, Stucky goodness

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CW: Double smut, dumbification (google pls), slapping, pet names, anal sex, fingering, Stucky goodness. This is basically just porn with a dash of plot.

It's been a while since I've written full-blown smut between two men, so I feel a little rusty in that department. I hope it's good. Steve and James are kind of fucked up, so there's some weird dynamics, but it's nothing like Oleander. I need you all to keep something in mind, though: While there are Stucky dynamics in this fic, it is not a full-blown Stucky fic. The pairing is James and Penelope, so that is the main focus. James is just a total slut, and that's okay.

She doesn't know how it happened, but she somehow winds up fucking James again, her head thrown back, arms around the back of his neck as she rides him on the couch.

Well, she does know how it happened.

He read her poetry. Shakespeare's sonnets — and he didn't just read them, he understood them. There's a big difference.

One minute, Penelope was sipping wine, contemplating how she was going to get out of this, and the next, her lips were on his and he had dropped the book on the ground.

He's captivating. Everything about him - the way his mouth moves, the low timbre of his voice, and the way he holds his wine glass as she lay with her head resting against his shoulder. He's kind to her, and Penelope could use some kindness right now.

She still loathes him to an extent, but she needs some comfort, and James is just that, in his own twisted, fucked up way.

The blanket that was covering them has been tossed aside, her panties are ripped to shreds and discarded on the floor. He's taken off her bra and thrown it somewhere in the library, and now his mouth is latched to her breast, tongue flicking over her right nipple. Penelope moans and he releases her, kissing up and down her neck.

"See what I mean about getting to know me, malyshka?" He purrs.

"Yes," she groans.

"You like fucking me, don't you?"

Another groan and he pull her hair, forcing her head back.

"Say yes, pretty girl. I wanna hear it." He groans. "Or is my cock making you fucking stupid?"

Penelope doesn't give a shit about the degradation. She wants more of it.

"Here, I thought you were so bright, but the second you get my big fucking cock into you, you don't know a goddamn thing, do you?"

There's a darkness in his eyes that Penelope craves. It's the same darkness she saw in the bathroom when they first met.

"No, I don't," she whines.

James pumps his hips a little faster and groans.

"Now, I'm gonna ask you this again—" he tightens the grip on her hair. "And I want you to answer me immediately. Do you like fucking me? Use those big words, malyshka. I know you can."

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