011. your woman

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CW: Threesomes (Paris, y'all), mile high club, spanking, dry humping, daddy kink, Penelope gets the chance to bond with Steve a little more

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CW: Threesomes (Paris, y'all), mile high club, spanking, dry humping, daddy kink, Penelope gets the chance to bond with Steve a little more. Also, car chases, guns violence.

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James tosses them bulletproof vests and helps Penelope into hers. He and Steve wear them underneath their suit jackets as they abandon the safety of James's office, maybe to never return.

Penelope is trembling as they walk down the stairs, both men holding onto her to make sure that she doesn't fall. Music is still pumping, and there are abandoned drinks on the bar and surrounding tables; lonely lines of cocaine that will be cleaned up within a matter of hours. The lights are still dim, and James glances over his kingdom looking a little forlorn.

Hastily, James rushes them out of a back door and ushers Penelope into a large black, armoured vehicle with tinted windows. She's never seen the driver before, probably someone she's never met. James has a lot of staff she's never met before.

Steve is on the phone with Scott, occasionally asking James what he wants to take from the house and what he wants to leave behind. It turns out, for someone so wealthy, he doesn't really give a shit about a lot of the things he owns. The only thing he wants is to make sure that the green house is protected from Rumlow's wrath, that the security system is armed, and that there are armed guards surrounding his property, ready to kill anyone who sets foot in it.

Both men climb in after her and she sits in the middle of them as they put a hand on each of her thighs as the car takes off. Steve looks over at James.

"Are you sure you don't need anything from the house, darlin'?"

James shakes his head.

"No, we'll have clothes and everything we need at the villa."

"Where exactly are we going?" Penelope asks.

"I have villas in Tuscany and Puglia with clothes with everything we could need. We can also order anything we need." James leans over to Penelope and smiles, kissing her cheek. "I could take you to one of those fancy boutiques in Rome. Spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on you."

She shakes her head.

"It worries me that we're on the run from Rumlow and the police, and you want to take me shopping."

"Anything for you, sugar," James breathes. "I think we deserve a vacation, don't we?"

"What about me?" Steve asks. "You don't wanna shower me with clothes and jewellery?"

James arches a brow.

"I bought you that Rolex last month."

Steve looks at his wrist and chuckles as though he's seeing it for the first time. Penelope can't believe the absurdity and surrealistic feeling of the entire thing.

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