015. dangerous liaisons

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CW: Gun violence, assault

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CW: Gun violence, assault. No smut in this one because we've got a plot to get to. 

This is a shorter chapter. The next ones will be too because it's a lot of plot and wrap up. Please vote and comment! I always get more reads than votes AND comments. Interacting with a fic helps to boost it and authors very much appreciate interaction!

"I can bring Rumlow to you," Natasha tells them.


"I'm still in contact with him. He thinks I'm in London— that's where he thinks you are. You can run, but you can't hide." She clasps her hands together. "Now, I have some news, but—"

"Our plan was to draw him out," James says as he lights a cigarette. "We don't really need you, Natasha."

He tosses the pack to Castle, who does the same while Fisk smokes a cigar.

Natasha raises an eyebrow.

"Color me curious, Jamesy. How were you going to draw out Brock Rumlow? He's sitting pretty in the ruins of Underworld. He's trying to buy the property from under your nose right now. Everything you own is becoming his."

"Haven't thought that far ahead yet," James replies. "Besides, we've been thinking about expanding territory in Italy."

"Like hell you have."

"Boys?" Natasha asks. "Shut the fuck up— now, James, you might not have been thinking about how you're going to lure Rumlow to you, but I have. And it's a doozy, but it's going to cost you."

"What?" James asks.

"Territory. I'll bring you Rumlow and Hoskins, and let you skin them both for what they've done to you and your empire if you give me just a teensy bit of territory for some more aggressive expansion. I can get you in with terror cells all over the world, running weapons, drugs, people, whatever you want."

"Fuck that," Steve spits. "Don't give her an inch, Jamie."

Natasha turns to him, her jaw ticking.

"My darling, the adults in the room are talking."

"Don't fucking patronize me, you cunt!" Steve spits.

Natasha leans back on Castle and he kisses up and down the side of her neck. She smiles.

"I don't appreciate him talking to me like that, darling."

"Castle, you're a fucking moron. She's just going to play you too."

"Probably," she replies. "That's the beauty of this job, nobody knows who I'm working for."

She's an idiot, but at least she's honest.

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