012. choke her with a sea view

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Summary: Penelope, Steve, and James settle into Tuscany while Rumlow ups the ante, and turns the rivalry between he and James into an all-out war

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Summary: Penelope, Steve, and James settle into Tuscany while Rumlow ups the ante, and turns the rivalry between he and James into an all-out war. 

CW: Very soft and loving threesome, daddy kink, praise kink, masturbation, sweet love confessions during sex.

They land in a private airfield in Tuscany. The sun is shining when they get off the plane, and there are already two cars waiting for them. Scott, Sam, and Yelena are standing outside. Scott is in a Hawaiian shirt and a pair of shorts with sunglasses on. Penelope bursts out laughing the second she sees him. Scott beams and spins around.

"You like it?" He asks.

"You look like a jackass," Yelena grumbles as she walks forward and hugs James and Steve, kissing them on both cheeks, greeting them in Russian. They both pull her aside and the three of them begin speaking softly.

"Hey!" Sam exclaims. He's wearing a matching shirt. "Shut up, Belova."

She flips him off, not even bothering to look behind her while James and Steve talk to her. It's strange not seeing either of them in suits. James is in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, his bandaged, tattooed arm on full display, along with a silver chain. Steve doesn't even have a shirt on, just a pair of black shorts and sunglasses, his tattoos and dog tags dangling from his neck. She's never seen them like this before, but they've probably never been in this circumstance before. James has always had power, prestige, and control, and now that it's gone, he's beginning to shed that skin.

As he talks to Yelena, he winks at Penelope and she bites her lip. Steve wraps an arm around James's waist and kisses his cheek. Where there would be jealousy, Penelope only feels love blooming in the pit of her stomach. For both of them.

"We had to get rid of our bloody clothes!" Scott grumbles. "It's hard work moving a body, Yelena!"

Scott still has some blood on his face, no doubt from Walker.

"Yeah, you just stood there and yelled at us to move it faster!" Sam bites.

"There were black turtlenecks and black jeans!" Yelena snaps as she turns her head away from her conversation with James and Steve.

"Sorry we don't dress like it's a Russian nuclear winter 24 hours a day," Sam replies and gets another middle finger from Yelena.

Sam and Scott fistbump as Penelope hugs her best friend.

"Seems like you two bonded on the plane," she chuckles and pulls away, cupping Scott's face. He looks exhausted and worn down, but that light that was in his eyes is still there. Penelope doesn't think that anything could ever strip that from his gaze. Scott is like a ray of sunshine, always seeing the positive side in everything. He's a good balance to Penelope.

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