008. king

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CW: Smut, threesomes, strip poker, dirty talk, anal sex, oral sex (f and m receiving), choking, spanking, dirty talk, somewhat unprotected sex but there is condom use in this scene, soft!James (yes, it's a content warning now)

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CW: Smut, threesomes, strip poker, dirty talk, anal sex, oral sex (f and m receiving), choking, spanking, dirty talk, somewhat unprotected sex but there is condom use in this scene, soft!James (yes, it's a content warning now).

PENELOPE DESERVES TO GET HER BACK BLOWN OUT BY STEVE AND BUCKY. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going out drinking. ENJOY!

THIS IS AN INCREDIBLY LONG CHAPTER. 13.45K WORDS. I'M SORRY. I GOT CARRIED AWAY. Buckle up, have a snack, get a drink (maybe two?). It's a doozy.

I need my golden crown of sorrow
My bloody sword to swing
My empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology
I am no mother
I am no bride
I am king
- Florence + The Machine, "King"

Sam, Steve, and Scott are parked outside of a luxury hotel in SoHo. They've been waiting for an hour without any sign of Rumlow or Walker. Scott is nervously smoking a cigarette and eating his fifth donut.

"Slow down, man," Sam tells him as he reaches over and grabs one for him. "These are to share."

"I'm sorry!" Scott exclaims as he sucks on a cigarette with the taste of a blueberry cake donut still on his tongue. "When I get nervous, I eat, and right now, I'm really fucking nervous. I've never done this before!"

"Consider this a part of your training," Steve laughs as he reaches over and plucks the cigarette from Scott's hands.

"I was smoking that!"

"Sharing is caring, good buddy," Steve replies with a smirk as he takes a drag and blows a smoke ring. "Besides, you're mostly letting it burn down. It's wasteful. You don't waste Marlboro Golds."

Sam chuckles and takes a bite of his donut. They are way too fucking relaxed for this. Scott sighs and rubs his face, putting his donut on his knee for a moment while he gets his bearings.

"How long have you guys worked for Mr. Barnes?"

"You can call him James," Sam laughs. "Mr. Barnes reminds him of his dad, and he doesn't like that."

"Was his dad in the mafia?"

"Yup. A whole crime family," Steve replies.

"Wow, so that's a real thing, huh? Like the Sopranos?"

Sam and Steve exchange a look and chuckle. Every time Sam smiles, it's like a big beam of sunshine. He's very handsome. Even Scott can't stop looking at him and he's always thought of himself as straight. Sam is making him think that sexuality is more of a spectrum rather than a strict binary... it was the same thing that happened when he turned 21 and he was having a cigarette outside of a bar in LA. There was a really good-looking guy who asked him for a light. Scott was drunk, the guy was drunk, and they kissed for at least a minute until Penelope found them. She didn't judge, but she did make sure that Scott would never forget that night.

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