010. achilles come down

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CW: Threesome, daddy kink, oral sex, praise kink, James is a bit of a prick, discussions of polyamorous relationships, explosions, idk crime shit? 

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CW: Threesome, daddy kink, oral sex, praise kink, James is a bit of a prick, discussions of polyamorous relationships, explosions, idk crime shit? 

They head upstairs. James has to make nice with Tony and pretends that everything is normal while Steve takes Penelope back upstairs, along with Scott and Sam. As they're climbing the stairs, she looks down and sees James watching her while Tony is talking to him. He's not listening. He just smiles at Penelope and blows her a soft kiss. It's funny that the only man who is willing to go this far to protect her is the same man who has killed so many people and ripped her from her life.

And a life she didn't choose for herself.

They've called Zemo to dispose of Walker's body.

Steve hasn't spoken since James made the decision that they have to leave. He's blinking away tears.

"Scotty, uh, I need you to go back to the house. Grab Alpine and Goose— Penelope, is there anything you want from the library?"

We have to go on the run and he's asking me about the library?

"Uh, I don't know. Maybe some Shakespeare books?"

"Scotty? You know which ones Penelope likes?" Steve asks.

"I got it," Scott replies.

"Okay. Go with Sam. Grab anything and everything you can- what you can't grab goes to the safe house, and make sure that you set the security system up, and turn all of the cameras on so that James can monitor the property."

Scott nods and heads for the door, but before he does, he rushes back and wraps his arms around Penelope.

"I love you," he whispers.

"I love you too, Scotty."

Scott pulls away and nods, smiling at her. Penelope is just glad that she isn't in this alone.

He walks out of James's office, shutting the door behind him. Steve grabs three whiskey glasses and pours generous amounts into each of them, leaning against the bar and taking a sip as he looks out the window at the city below. Penelope slides up onto a stool, reaching out and covering his hand with hers. He glances at her and smiles.

"Hiya, doll."

"You okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine," Steve sighs. "Just dealing with the sudden betrayal of the woman I thought I loved. She's fucking Rumlow - both of them are doing it just to get to me, and get to James. I can feel it."

"I'm sorry," Penelope breathes. She pauses. "Do you know why?"

"Who fucking knows. Maybe Rumlow made her a deal she couldn't refuse. She's always been ambitious, maybe to a fault." Steve bites his lip. "To be honest with you, I don't even know if she even likes me anymore. We haven't had sex in... six months? Maybe? I thought it had something to do with the open marriage thing, but when I brought up the idea of closing it, she was adamant that it would stay open."

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