009. riptide

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CW: Threesomes, soft James and soft Steve, masturbation, discussions of murder, vomit (sorry), mentions of SA

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CW: Threesomes, soft James and soft Steve, masturbation, discussions of murder, vomit (sorry), mentions of SA.

This is a shorter chapter. I still have COVID brain so pushing this out was really tough for me, but I'm proud of what I was able to do. Unfortunately, letting my brain rest isn't really an option since I've got some work and school deadlines so you get kind of fever dream Thea's scribblings for this chapter.

Steve was not lying about the cuddle thing. The three of them lay in a drug and post-orgasmic haze, giggling and unable to stop touching each other. James went and fixed the three of them small glasses of whiskey, which they sip while leaning up against the headboard.

It's all soft smiles, gentle kisses, and little whispers as she's buried beneath silky blankets and sheets. It should feel strange to be laying between two terrifying mobsters, but Penelope feels warm and comforted. That could be the drugs, or the way they're both holding her. They don't fight for her, and neither of them are territorial. So much for James not sharing.

When his and Steve's fingers bump into each other, they laugh and link hands. Penelope almost cries. It's so vulnerable.

"James?" Penelope asks.

"Hmm?" He presses his lips to her cheek and kisses her.

"Do you think we could do this again?"

"What do you think, Stevie?"

"Oh, I am so in," Steve laughs. "This is amazing. I feel like I'm falling in love— it's probably the drugs, but still... this is... really fucking nice."

From the look in Steve's eye, Penelope gets the feeling that he doesn't get a hell of a lot of affection like this at home. She reaches over and cups his cheek, placing a kiss on his lips. He smiles and chuckles softly.

"Thanks, Penny. You're a sweetheart."

"Isn't she?" James murmurs.

"You're both sweethearts," she whispers.

Both Steve and James nuzzle up against Penelope, kissing up and down her body, their faces buried in her hair as they nip at her neck. She's completely blissed out, thanks to the ecstasy and the fact that she's with two incredibly gorgeous men.

James's tattooed fingers graze up and down her soft belly.

"You're so beautiful," he breathes. "Isn't she beautiful, Stevie?"

"Yeah," he agrees as he palms at his half-hard cock, his hand sliding up her thigh. Penelope feels a knot in her stomach again and he presses his lips to the shell of her ear. "So pretty she's making me hard again."

"Me too," James whispers.

Penelope is dripping, writhing against the sheets. How strong is this ecstasy?

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