Chapter 5 what's up with Abbie.

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Book 2 Chapter 5. What's up with Abbie?


Dad screamed in between making ham sandwiches and whooshing
away the kitten trying it's best to eat his work.

Abbie lay in bed.

She did not want to get up.


Nothing's been the same since she came back. Nothing feels right. She just finds it so hard to get on with her life.

She thought it so unfair.

Cu Culainn, he was thriving.

Just seemed to fit right into her modern world.

He's become Mr Popular everything going swimming for him.

She was born in this time.

This is suppose to be her life so why does she feel nothing for it.

Nothing but detached, empty and not bothered with any of it.

If she could stay in bed all day she would.

She had the greatest adventure of her life.

An adventure that ended.

Happy ever after.

If this is happy ever after, you can keep it.

Dull. Dull. Dull.

She is even bored with her books, movies and TV Series .

She used to love stories. Lived to know what happens next.

What she would give to have that passion back.

To have passion for anything.

Her mum says not to worry it's just a phase she's going through. Hormones running wild. It will all get better.

Once she broke down to Cu Culainn screamed at him for been so perfect.

He just told her she will be ok.

How she wanted to hit his smug face.

Then he said something that stopped her in her tracks.

"It's not easy getting used to no more magic in your life."

It was such a strange thing to say but she felt it was absolutely right.

This world held no magic for her.

She wanted to scream and talk about real magic that it exists.

But she felt people would not believe her or worse didn't want to know.

How can people live in a world without magic?

Everyone might as well just stay in bed.

If everything has all ready been discovered then what's the point in getting up to this dull unimaginative world.

Reality sucks.

At least in dreams there can still exist magic.

"ABBIE! get up it's eighth for Gods sake!"

Screamed her Dad up the stairs.

"I'm up!" Lied Abbie. Who wasn't moving until Ella goes down first.

Then she heard cartoons coming from the iPad downstairs.

Damn Ella was downstairs already.

"ABBIE!" Screamed her dad.

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