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Dark side of the moon.

Not since Adam has any man been so alone.

Mike was making history.

No person in the history of mankind has ever traveled as far as he has.

Or has been out of complete communication with planet earth and yet he knew people will struggle to remember his name.

His two buddies will get all the glory especially Neil.

Yep first man on the moon and Buzz!

Buzz a role model god help us all.

Still there's two men now who have landed on the moon but only one has been to its dark side.


Little ole Mike Collins.

He wished he could savour this moment.

He knows if he makes it back, until the end of his days people will be wanting to know all about what he was thinking above the moons dark side.

The only thing on his mind is making it back with his two fellow crew members.

The longer he's out here the more he's resigned himself that's never going to happen.

He's in a spacecraft that every single component is provided by the guy who submitted the cheapest tender.

Built in the biggest rush job in history.

We have to beat these ruskies and let's not forget that stupid, we will do it before the decade is out speech.

Before next year.

Hell the titanic had better preparation.

He wasn't half as worried about this command module space craft called Columbia (even its name was rushed, nobody had time to come up with a better one) as he was for that eagle lander on the surface of the moon.

He looked at the two empty seats beside him and wondered if they will be filled on the way back home.

The eagle lander.

Its ascent engine has never been tested on the moon nothing ever has.

One thing blasting an engine tested on earth.

He remembered at the start of the space programme how many Rockets blasted into fireballs before they got it right.

But this engine has to work first go!

Will it even ignite and even if it does can it maintain its trust for at least seven minutes, if not.

They go crashing back onto the moon surface or worse end up in a low orbit that he cannot reach to dock with them.

His two dead crewmen circling the moon forever while he goes back to earth.

Back home.

Before blast off he guessed they had about a fifty fifty chance of success.

He now wonders how he could have been so optimistic.

"0h. sorry." Said the girl who bumped his elbow beside him.

"That's okay."

He said automatic, probably his fault.

It's cramped in the command module.

Wait a girl???

"What in Sam Hill. He looked at the two teenagers a girl and boy now in Armstrong and buzzes seats.

He screamed.

Emer and Jack screamed back.

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