Chapter 25 ....How....??

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Chapter 25.


Right from the start the red branch knew their diamond formation would never make it across the battlefield.

It had no chance in reaching  their target.  The Traitor One Eye.

It wasn't meant to.

It just needed to hold as far as the half way point.

At that point hidden from view of the surrounding  Connought army, Cu Culainn was grabbed into the middle space of the diamond.

A green helmet with visor and green cloak taking from a fallen enemy was placed on him.

Next they broke the diamond on purpose so Cu Culainn could slip into the mass of enemy warriors.

He immediately killed one of his own men.

Then another.

If anyone had suspicions about the imposter amongst them they vanished as Cu Culainn fought hard against his own men. The job of the diamond was now over.

They can die knowing that they got a warrior hidden amongst their enemies. It's up to him now to kill the traitor.

Finish the job.

That was the plan but like all plans in war they changed.

To Cu Culainn's and his enemies surprise, the men in the diamond made it across that battlefield and one even managed to run up the hill after their target.

Everyone on the battlefield stood and stirred in amazement at that warrior running up that hill.

The Connaught warriors refused to give chase. Cu Culainn even saw a couple of young warriors been held back.

"But he can kill our queen!" One young warrior said and was told.

"We can always get a new queen. Any warriors to fight that hard deserved their revenge."

Disappointment filled Cu Culainn's heart when the warrior was cut down by the spear so close to his victory.

He felt disappointment in the hearts of his enemies around him.

But then the roars of victory rose up .

The battle was over.

They had Won.

For Cu Culainn it was back to the plan.

He picked up the fallen red branch flag.

"For our queen!" He shouted across the battlefield and walked up the hill .

No one stopped or challenged him.

They were busy collecting trophies from their dead enemies.

The heads of the red branch knights which they placed on top of their spears.

He noticed the shock on One Eyes face when he was about to take the warriors head and realised it wasn't him.

"Lost your head!"

Cu Culainn asked and shoved the flag pole into the traitors heart.

"Enemy on the hill!" Roared the queen from her chariot pointing down at Cu Culainn standing over One Eyes body.

"-Kill Him!!!"

The formenian king charged down the hill sword in hand screaming towards Cu Culainn.

Cu Culainn looked down the hill and saw half the army charging up.

After him.

He picked up one eyes fallen axe and ran up the hill towards the charging giant king.

He threw the axe which found its mark in the head of the one Eyed king giant.

Cu Culainn leaped over the falling giant

Now nothing stood between him and the panicking queen.

She desperately struggled with the rains of her chariot.

Turning her horses trying to escape the savage running with death in his eyes towards her.

Chariot turned. She whipped the horses into a gallop .

But the hill was to steep, slowing her chariot .

The savage jumped on.

She lashed out with the whip catching him in the face. He grabbed her arm squeezing it until the whip dropped.

She screamed in pain.

He pulled her by the hair into him and kissed her full on the lips.

She was to in shock to fight.

"I don't fight girls!" He smiled and took the rains of her. The horses galloped over the top.

Then down the hill. Away from the charging army behind them.

They charged out of control down the hill. The queen screamed seeing they where speeding towards a shear cliff drop.

Cu Culainn pulled with all his might on the rains but it was no use

The horses weren't slowing.

The queen held on to him for dear life.

"Jump!" He told her. "I'll hold the rains."

"You jump!" She screamed. "I'll hold the feckin rains!"

He smiled. "We could have had great little warriors together!"

Before she could slap him he threw her off the chariot.

She landed in a thick bramble bush.

She will be scratched up but it broke her fall. Thought Cu Culainn time to jump myself.

It was to late.

The horses flew over falling down the cliff bringing the chariot and cu Culainn with them.

Abbie looked into the mirror in shock.

It wasn't a high cliff drop but it was nasty.

Horses and chariot smashed and bounced of the hard rocks below ending in a tangled mess.

One horse died or was knocked out on impact.

The other screamed in such pain Abbie couldn't stand it.

Somewhere in the chariots wreckage Cu Culainn stirred.

Abbie could hear his screams before she saw him.

He crawled dragging his broken body.

Crawled only able to use his elbows and knees. Crawled slowly out of the wreckage.

He couldn't stand.

He was covered in blood. Abbie could see his arm and both his legs looked broken.

Finding a spear he held it in his good hand and crawled on his stomach using mostly his elbows until he reached the screaming horse.

"Easy boy, easy!"

He rubbed the horse.

The horse calmed down.

"There that's it boy. Soon be over-"

He placed his hand over the horses eyes and plunged his knife into the horses heart.

A tear rolled down Cu Culainn's face.

"Soon be over for both of us-"

Pain filled his mind and he blanked out.


Next update Wednesday Chapter 26 .

The death of Cu Culann.

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