Chapter 7 The morrigan

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Chapter 7

The Morrigan.

Abbie was thrilled with her new flowing red high queen gown. It even came with a gold belt that had a dagger hanging on it and gold shoes that matched her crown.

But the feast in her honour she was not mad on.

She looked at the chicken leg.

She sat at the round banquet table which circled the round room.

She was surrounded by loud cheering Warriors squashed into benches devouring food and drink that overflowed on the table brought out by an army of maids.

Cu Culainn was eating across the table and showing off the hurl to every one next to him.

Abbie picked up the chicken leg and stirred at it.

"It's not Kentucky fried chicken but you can eat it." Said Catbad and sat down beside her.

Abbie took a bite."Yuke, your right its not Kentucky!" She spat it out.

"I don't think it's even chicken." Catbad told her.

Abbie just looked at him.

"Are you a time traveler?" Abbie asked.

"No. I am a Druid." He answered.

"Then how do you know about Kentucky fried chicken?"

"Ah well do you know what reincarnation is?" He asked her.

"Sure that's when people believe they have lived before in the past and when they die they will be born again." Answered Abbie.

"Very well put, your a very bright girl Abbie. I'll have to keep an eye on you." Catbad smiled.

"We Druids believe in a sort of reincarnation. We don't believe that time moves in a straight line but is more like a circle. So when we meditate we not only can see our past lives but our future ones as well."

Abbie put the chicken leg down and picked up an apple instead.

"For someone who has been transported over 2000 years in the past you are handling it well." Catbad told her.

"TV has giving me a good grasp on fantasy." Abbie said and Catbad laughed so hard he nearly fell of his chair.

"One thing is bothering me. How come all of you are not speaking ancient Irish?"

"We are." He replied. "The crown gives the bearer the power to understand and be understood by all. A gift would you not agree, all in power should have?"

"I just want to go home!" Sighed Abbie.

"And you will I promise. We need you to do one small task. After that I can make Cu Culainn high king and I will be able to get you back home."

"What small task?" Abbie asked just then a big black raven landed on the table beside them.

Abbie jumped.

It seemed to be stirring at them. Then another raven joined it and a third.

Abbie tried getting off her chair but Catbad held her arm.

A plate came crashing across the room and smashed by the ravens.

The crows did not move.

"Can't those crows not wait until we are dead on the battlefield before picking our flesh!" Spat the warrior with one eye who threw the plate.

"Hold your anger!" Roared Catbad the whole room stopped and stirred at him.

"Those are not crows!"

He jumped over the table and stood in the middle of the hall.

Blackthorn stick in hand.

"YOU THREE!" Catbad ordered to three maids.

"Bring me three rugs."

The maids did not move.


They bowed and moved.

Catbad shoved his blackthorn stick into a fire and as soon as it took light pulled it out.

He put the lit end stright into a warriors goblet of mead. It steamed and the flame went out. The owner of the goblet was not amused.

Catbad ignored him and started drawing on the floor with the now charcoal stick.

"Many moons ago-" he began while drawing.

"Queen Medb wanted to conquer the whole of Ireland so she called upon the Moragan. The 3 goddess's of war to aid her in her quest.

On the floor he had drawn a circle around him and a large triangle outside the circle.

" Seeing the blackness in medb heart the Morrigan refused to help her."

He sat cross legged in the circle and the three crows flew and stood at the corners of each triangle. The maids came back with three rugs.

" Queen Medb was so angered she sent for an evil Druid who cast a spell over the three goddess's."

Very carefully he pulled a small bundle of cloth from his tunic. He opened the bundle in the middle was a single candle.

Abbie noticed the candle was a lot bigger at one time and two black lines was on the candle about an inch apart breaking the candle into 3 parts. He placed the candle in front of him. His stick caught fire again.

"-The spell cast that day turned them into crows-."

"-All you warriors stay back behind that table line!" He ordered.

"No matter what you see. No matter how much you want to-."

"-DONT CROSS IT!" Unless you want to die."

Everyone got behind the tables.

He lit the candle.

The crows screamed.


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