Short Story The wisdom of the moon goddess.

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The wisdom of the moon goddess.

Once in the time of the Ulster circle.

Their lived a not so wise iron smith called Culainn.

No one in his clan could tell who Culainn loved more.

His new young wife Orla or his great giant irish wolfhounds.

Most suspected the answer to be the wolfhounds.

For he never missed a day to hunt with them and the rest he spent tending to their needs.

Orla been young in years did not mind.

It was more than enough having to spend her nights with him.

To help with his hounds Culainn had a young orphan servant called Bran.

Who even thou Culainn was strict with the lad it was plain to all that Culainn loved him like a son.

Culainn pitied the poor boy.

When the lad was barely five winters old he had lost all his family.

They were horribly killed by the wolves of the dark forest.

Since that night the boy hated wolves and vowed to use the wolfhounds to hunt and wipe out all their kind from that forest.

This hate blinded him to all that was good in his life.

He never smiled.

Disliked the company off people.

Most did not know why Culainn loved him so much.

When the wise in the clan warned Culainn that the boy was a bad one.

Culainn would brush them aside.

Saying if his hounds loved the boy there was good in him.

Orla hated the boy.

Always at her husbands side and the boy hated her even more.

But hate and love are just two sides of the same leaf and who knows which way the wind will blow.

On the night Orla became lost in the deep dark wood, the wind turned the leaf.

By the light of the full moon, the lost Orla found a clearing in the dark dense wood.

Unfortunately she had wondered into a wolf den.

The wolves surrounded her and were about to kill the intruder.

When Bran leapt into the middle of them and pushed Orla behind him.

He turned to the alpha wolf and cried.

"I have lost my father to you."

"I have lost my mother to you."

"I have lost my brother and my sweet young sister to you."

"All that I have loved you have taken from me. You will not take her from me."

And with that the boy fought bear handed with the alpha.

Orla did not know how but the boy killed the great wolf.

Bran stood his ground.

Ripped and bloodied.

His breathing hard.

Eyes filled with passion and hate.

All the wolves cowered and moved away in haste.

She watched the boy collapse.


She went over and touched his shoulders.

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