Chapter 13 Real world problems.

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Chapter 13 Real world problems.

They stood in the attic, well, Tanta and Abbie stood Bran sat beside Abbie gazing at the giant round true mirror.

"Your mad." Tanta informed her as all three stirred at their reflections. "Not in a good way."

"Maybe but this will work." She answered. "It will take us to exactly where we need to be to defeat the Morrigan and bring us back."

"According to who?" Tanta asked.

Abbie smiled.

"According to John the apostle."

"Alright that's it!" Gasped Tanta in frustration turning round and going.

Abbie jumped in front of him.

"We have to do this. They will come back and kill us and my family. We can't let that happen!"

"This has nothing to do with saving your family Abbie."

Tanta fumed pushing Abbie back.

"What are you on about?" She yelled.

"It has everything to do with it!"

"No!" He said unable to hold back his anger.

"This is about you going on another adventure. You think this is all some game. You hate your life and you think this is going to get you away..."

He stopped and knew he had gone to far. Abbie's head dropped.

"Look." He said softly. "Your life will start here soon..but that Druid mirror is not the answer."

"I don't want my life to start here I just want to go." A tear rolled down her cheek.

He smiled into Abbie's sad face.

"It's not the tardis."

Abbie looked over at the mirror.

"It could be."

The wish made Tanta's heart grow cold. He knew she wasn't giving up on this. He wondered if the Morrigan had infected her with war lust. But he knew she felt this way long before she was possessed.

Maybe long before he even met her.

"Find another dream Abbie. You have to live in the real world. There's only death in the past. Here there is life. Opportunity look at me some day I am going to be a vet."

He smiled proudly.

"..a vet?" She asked in surprise.

"Yep.. That's what I want to be."

"A VET!" She roared.

"That's what I said..a vet!" He said wondering what the big deal was?

"So you want to stick your arm up some cows arse for a living?"

"There's more to been a vet than that sometimes-" he began.

"Your right" she butted in.

"Sometimes it's a horses arse. but most times it's cows. That's what vets do. They spend most of their time sticking there hands up cows bums. So that's your dream in life to have your hand up some cows bottom?"

"Well.. Course not.. I.. ..?" Tanta stuttered.

"Wow first you want to stick your hands up a cows butt. For a knight you are a bit of a perv."

Abbie accused.

"I am not! I'm not even that into Xena!" He lied.

"Not even if she was dressed up as a cow?"

"Well, depends has she got one of those bells around her neck?" He smiled hopefully.

"Your sick." Abbie said unable to stop the smile crossing her face.

"Hey as the great Homer once said, 'Have a cow, man." He smiled.

"It's Bart not Homer and he said Don't--" just then the doorbell rang downstairs.

Ringggg. Ringggg. Ringggg.

"Probably Miss Finn coming home!"
Abbie whispered.

"Amateur dramatics tonight won't be back until late besides she has a key."


"Better answer their not going away." Abbie whispered.


They both jumped at the sound of the door been smashed open.

They heard the intruder enter Tanta's house.

"Stay here." Cu Culainn told her he placed his finger to his lips and gestured to her to say nothing.

She obeyed.

She watched him move to the open attic door.

He bent down stood up and in his hand was a hurly he found in the attic darkness.

He wielded it cutting the air around him like samurai with a sword.

Then as he moved towards the attic door he seemed to flex every muscle in him.

He jumped down.

Abbie waited to hear his landing.

There was no sound.

The cat was after it's prey.

"A vet!" Abbie whispered to Bran. Which of us isn't living in the real world?"

A dull grey light Lit up the attic.

At first Abbie thought passing car headlights from the road outside.

But the light didn't come from the attic window.

It was coming from the giant mirror something was coming through.

Bran growled towards the light.

"Hush. Cu Culainn needs us to be quiet."

She whispered and slowly moved towards the lit up mirror.

A shape was forming in the lights centre.

Abbie could make out a figure walking towards them.

Tall a man with a long coat dressed like a Victorian gentleman. She gasped in wonder.

Is it possible?

It looked like the Doctor.

Then she felt its hand on her throat.

She could not scream.

"God loves you." He coldly said and shot Bran.

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